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Table 31-2

CDC Criteria for Diagnosis of ME/CFS

Consider a diagnosis of ME/CFS if these three criteria are met:

  1. The individual has severe chronic fatigue for 6 consecutive months that is not due to ongoing exertion or other medical conditions associated with fatigue (these other conditions need to be ruled out by a doctor after diagnostic tests have been conducted).
  2. The fatigue significantly interferes with daily activities and work.
  3. The individual concurrently has four or more of the following eight symptoms:
    • postexertion malaise lasting >24 hours
    • unrefreshing sleep
    • significant impairment of short-term memory or concentration
    • muscle pain
    • multijoint pain without swelling or redness
    • headaches of a new type, pattern, or severity
    • tender cervical or axillary lymph nodes
    • sore throat that is frequent or recurring

Abbreviations: CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CFS, chronic fatigue syndrome; ME, myalgic encephalitis.
