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Table 157-5

Contraindications to Liver Transplantation

Uncontrolled extrahepatobiliary infectionAge >70
Active, untreated sepsisPrior extensive hepatobiliary surgery
Uncorrectable, life-limiting congenital anomaliesPortal vein thrombosis
Active substance or alcohol abuseRenal failure not attributable to liver disease
Advanced cardiopulmonary diseasePrevious extrahepatic malignancy (not including nonmelanoma skin cancer)
Extrahepatobiliary malignancy (not including nonmelanoma malignancy skin cancer)Severe obesity
Metastatic malignancy to the liverSevere malnutrition/wasting
CholangiocarcinomaMedical noncompliance
AIDSHIV seropositivity with failure to control HIV viremia or CD4 <100/µL
Life-threatening systemic diseases

Intrahepatic sepsis

Severe hypoxemia secondary to right-to-left intrapulmonary shunts (PO2<50 mmHg)

Severe pulmonary hypertension (mean pulmonary artery pressure >35 mmHg)
Uncontrolled psychiatric disorder