Microbiology and Epidemiology
B. henselae is the principal etiologic agent of CSD, although other Bartonella species may rarely be involved. Consistent with the disease's name, contact with apparently healthy cats (being scratched, bitten, or licked), and especially with kittens, is the primary source of infection. Adults are affected nearly as frequently as children. In the United States, the estimated incidence is ∼4-10 cases per 100,000 population.
Clinical Manifestations
Of pts with CSD, 85-90% have typical disease consisting of a localized lesion (papule, vesicle, or nodule) at the site of inoculation with subsequent painful regional lymphadenopathy ≥1-3 weeks after cat contact.
Serologic testing is most commonly used but is variably sensitive and specific. It is noteworthy that seroconversion may take a few weeks. Bartonella species are difficult to culture, but PCR analysis of lymph node tissue, pus, or the primary inoculation lesion is highly sensitive and specific.
Bacillary Angiomatosis and Peliosis
Bacillary angiomatosis is caused by B. henselae and B. quintana, while peliosis is caused only by the former species. These diseases occur most often in HIV-infected pts with CD4+ T cell counts of <100/µL.
Trench Fever
Bartonella Endocarditis
Bartonella species (typically B. quintana or B. henselae) are an important cause of culture-negative endocarditis. The disease's manifestations are similar to those of subacute endocarditis of any etiology (Chap. 83 Infective Endocarditis). Even if incubated for prolonged periods (up to 6 weeks), blood cultures are positive in only ∼25% of cases. Serologic or PCR testing for Bartonella in cardiac valve tissue can help establish the diagnosis in pts with negative blood cultures.
Carrión's Disease (Oroya Fever and Verruga Peruana)
Carrion's disease is a biphasic disease caused by B. bacilliformis, which is transmitted by a sandfly vector found in the Andes valleys of Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia.
Section 7. Infectious Diseases