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Syndrome characterized by a combination of clinical features similar to those of SLE, SSc, polymyositis, and RA; unusually high titers of circulating antibodies to a nuclear ribonucleoprotein (RNP) are found. It is controversial whether MCTD is a truly distinct entity or a subset of SLE or SSc.

Clinical Manifestations

Raynaud's phenomenon, polyarthritis, swollen hands or sclerodactyly, esophageal dysfunction, pulmonary fibrosis, inflammatory myopathy. Renal involvement occurs in about 25%. Laboratory abnormalities include high-titer ANAs, very high titers of antibody to RNP, positive RF in 50% of pts.


Similar to that for SLE and SSc.


Mixed Connective Tissue Disease

Few published data. Treat based on manifestations with similar approach to that used if feature occurred in SLE/SSc/polymyositis/RA.


Section 12. Allergy, Clinical Immunology, and Rheumatology