Hours since ingestion | 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 |
Select unit | SI Conventional |
The Done data, which this calculation tool is based upon, applies ONLY to a single acute ingestion of a salicylate.
It is also necessary to know the time since the acute ingestion. The nomogram starts at 6 hours post ingestion and continues to 60 hours post ingestion.
There are 4 groups present on this nomogram:
Conventional Units mg/dL
Hours since ingestion | No toxicity | Mild toxicity | Moderate toxicity | Severe toxicity |
6 | <43 | 43-61 | 62-85 | >85 |
7 | <42 | 42-60 | 61-84 | >84 |
8 | <41 | 41-58 | 59-81 | >82 |
9 | <39 | 39-57 | 58-78 | >78 |
10 | <38 | 38-55 | 56-75 | >75 |
11 | <37 | 37-53 | 54-72 | >72 |
12 | <36 | 36-51 | 52-70 | >70 |
13 | <34 | 34-48 | 49-68 | >68 |
14 | <33 | 33-47 | 48-65 | >65 |
15 | <32 | 32-45 | 46-63 | >63 |
16 | <31 | 31-44 | 45-61 | >61 |
17 | <29 | 29-43 | 44-58 | >58 |
18 | <28 | 28-42 | 43-57 | >57 |
19 | <27 | 27-40 | 41-55 | >55 |
20 | <27 | 27-38 | 39-54 | >54 |
21 | <26 | 26-37 | 38-52 | >52 |
22 | <26 | 26-36 | 37-50 | >50 |
23 | <25 | 25-35 | 36-48 | >48 |
24 | <24 | 24-34 | 35-47 | >47 |
26 | <22 | 22-32 | 33-45 | >45 |
28 | <20 | 20-30 | 31-42 | >42 |
30 | <19 | 19-28 | 29-38 | >38 |
32 | <18 | 18-26 | 27-36 | >36 |
34 | <17 | 17-25 | 26-34 | >34 |
36 | <16 | 16-23 | 24-32 | >32 |
38 | <15 | 15-21 | 22-29 | >29 |
40 | <14 | 14-20 | 21-27 | >27 |
42 | <13 | 13-18 | 19-26 | >26 |
44 | <12 | 12-17 | 18-25 | >25 |
46 | <11 | 11-16 | 17-23 | >23 |
48 | <10 | 10-15 | 16-21 | >21 |
50 | - | <15 | 15-19 | >19 |
52 | - | <14 | 14-18 | >18 |
54 | - | <13 | 13-17 | >17 |
56 | - | <12 | 12-16 | >16 |
58 | - | <11 | 11-15 | >15 |
60 | - | <10 | 10-14 | >14 |
SI Units mmol/L
Hours since ingestion | No toxicity | Mild toxicity | Moderate toxicity | Severe toxicity |
6 | <3.10 | 3.10-4.42 | 4.43-6.16 | >6.16 |
7 | <3.00 | 3.00-4.35 | 4.36-6.09 | >6.09 |
8 | <2.90 | 2.90-4.21 | 4.22-5.87 | >5.87 |
9 | <2.80 | 2.80-4.13 | 4.14-5.66 | >5.66 |
10 | <2.75 | 2.75-3.99 | 4.00-5.44 | >5.44 |
11 | <2.70 | 2.70-3.84 | 3.85-5.22 | >5.22 |
12 | <2.60 | 2.60-3.70 | 3.71-5.08 | >5.08 |
13 | <2.50 | 2.50-3.48 | 3.49-4.93 | >4.93 |
14 | <2.40 | 2.40-3.41 | 3.42-4.71 | >4.71 |
15 | <2.30 | 2.30-3.26 | 3.27-4.57 | >4.57 |
16 | <2.25 | 2.25-3.19 | 3.20-4.42 | >4.42 |
17 | <2.15 | 2.10-3.12 | 3.13-4.21 | >4.21 |
18 | <2.05 | 2.05-3.05 | 3.06-4.13 | >4.13 |
19 | <2.00 | 2.00-2.90 | 2.91-3.99 | >3.99 |
20 | <1.95 | 1.95-2.76 | 2.77-3.92 | >3.92 |
21 | <1.90 | 1.90-2.68 | 2.69-3.77 | >3.77 |
22 | <1.85 | 1.85-2.61 | 2.62-3.63 | >3.63 |
23 | <1.80 | 1.80-2.54 | 2.55-3.48 | >3.48 |
24 | <1.75 | 1.75-2.47 | 2.48-3.41 | >3.41 |
26 | <1.60 | 1.60-2.32 | 2.33-3.26 | >3.26 |
28 | <1.45 | 1.45-2.18 | 2.19-3.05 | >3.05 |
30 | <1.38 | 1.38-2.03 | 2.04-2.76 | >2.76 |
32 | <1.30 | 1.30-1.89 | 1.90-2.61 | >2.61 |
34 | <1.23 | 1.23-1.81 | 1.82-2.47 | >2.47 |
36 | <1.16 | 1.16-1.67 | 1.68-2.32 | >2.32 |
38 | <1.09 | 1.09-1.52 | 1.53-2.10 | >2.10 |
40 | <1.02 | 1.02-1.45 | 1.46-1.96 | >1.96 |
42 | <0.94 | 0.94-1.31 | 1.32-1.89 | >1.89 |
44 | <0.87 | 0.87-1.23 | 1.24-1.81 | >1.81 |
46 | <0.80 | 0.80-1.16 | 1.17-1.67 | >1.67 |
48 | <0.73 | 0.73-1.09 | 1.10-1.52 | >1.52 |
50 | - | <1.09 | 1.09-1.38 | >1.38 |
52 | - | <1.02 | 1.02-1.31 | >1.31 |
54 | - | <0.94 | 0.94-1.23 | >1.23 |
56 | - | <0.87 | 0.87-1.16 | >1.16 |
58 | - | <0.80 | 0.80-1.09 | >1.09 |
60 | - | <0.73 | 0.73-1.02 | >1.02 |
Done AK. Salicylate intoxication. Significance of measurements of salicylate in blood in cases of acute ingestion. Pediatrics. 1960;26:800-7.