Sinusitis clinical diagnosis
Facial pressure/pain? Yes No
Headache pain? Yes No
Congestion or stuffy nose? Yes No
Thick, yellow-green nasal discharge? Yes No
Low fever (99-100°)? Yes No
Bad breath? Yes No
Pain in the upper teeth? Yes No
R e s u l t s
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Sinusitis clinical diagnosis

Acute sinusitis (rhinosinusitis) is a common presenting complaint in primary and acute care settings. The vast majority of cases are self limited; but some benefit from antibiotics is likely present in selected cases. Please see the Sinusitis Treatment Guidelines in this product.

The American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) has developed a questionnaire for patient's to determine if they likely have sinusitis.

7 symptoms are listed, with >=3 symptoms being present being a positive self screening for sinusitis.

7 Questions answered Yes/No

  1. Facial pressure/pain?
  2. Headache pain?
  3. Congestion or stuffy nose?
  4. Thick, yellow-green nasal discharge?
  5. Low fever (99-100°)?
  6. Bad breath?
  7. Pain in the upper teeth?


American Academy of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery. Fact Sheet: Do I Have Sinusitis? . Last accessed May 27, 2013.