Weight | |
unit | kg lb |
Height | |
unit | in cm |
% BSA burn | |
This fluid Resucitation formula for burn patients was devised by the Shriners Burns Hospital in Galveston based on the body surface area (BSA) burned and the total body surface area
Formula used:
24 hr. Fluid req. = 5000 ml/m 2 BSA burned/day + 2000 ml/m 2 BSA (total)/day
Half of the quantity is administered over the first 8 hrs from the time of injury, while the second half is administered over the next 16 hours.
Quantity to be administered after 24 hrs = 3750 ml/m 2 BSA burned/day + 1500 ml/m 2 BSA/day
Body Surface Area (BSA) in M 2 = [(Wt 0.425 ) × (Ht 0.725 ) × 71.84]/10000
Wt = Weight in Kg
Ht = Height in cm
BSA is often used to standardize various physiologic measures or dosing regimens.