- The constellation of physical examination findings will differ based on the specific infectious disease in question.
- All exposures need to be appropriately reported to employee health; after hours, the emergency room or infectious disease on-call person usually has the capability of initiating the workup and therapy as needed.
- Specific screening tests following exposure to various infectious diseases are dictated by the route of injury.
- for percutaneous injuries, HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C titers should be drawn as soon as possible following the injury.
- Following initial titers, repeat screening should be performed at given intervals based on the disease in question.
- for tuberculosis, PPD screening should be performed on an annual basis for all healthcare providers.
Differential DiagnosisWill vary depending on the specific infectious agent.
Determined by the disease in question
ICD9V01.9 Contact with or exposure to unspecified communicable disease
ICD10Z20.9 Contact w and exposure to unsp communicable disease
Russell K. McAllister , MD
andrew L. Barker , MD