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Physiology Principles
Perioperative Relevance
Pregnancy Considerations
Labor epidurals: Benefits include avoidance of hyperventilation, decreased circulating catecholamines, uterine relaxation, patient comfort. Neuraxial blocks are the preferred anesthetic technique in parturients as it avoids instrumenting a potentially difficult airway allows the mother to remain awake during their baby's birth. Early labor epidural placement is advantageous in high-risk patients as it may be used for surgical anesthesia in the event of an emergency Cesarean section. There is a higher incidence of unintended epidural vein cannulation due to epidural venous engorgement.
Higher incidence of unintended epidural vein cannulation is reported in pregnant patients due to epidural venous engorgement.
Pediatric Considerations
Intervertebral foramina decrease in size with increasing age, resulting in higher block levels for similar epidural doses of local anesthetic. Additionally, a decrease in adipose tissue within the epidural space may also decrease dose requirements.
Pediatric Considerations
The distance from the skin to the epidural space is approximately 1 mm/kg between 6 months 10 years of age. Usual volumes of injectate range from 0.5–1 mL/kg (up to 20 mL).


  1. Ellis H. The anatomy of the epidural space. Anaesth Intens Care Med. 2009;10(11):533535.
  2. Fischer B. Techniques of epidural block. Anaesth Intens Care Med. 2009;10(11):552556.
  3. Saberski LR , Kondamuri S , Osinubi OY. Identification of the epidural space: Is loss of resistance to air a safe technique? A review of the complications related to the use of air. Reg Anesth. 1997;22(1):315.
  4. Tiso RL , Thomas PS , Macadaeg K , et al. Epidural catheter direction local anesthetic dose. Reg Anesth. 1993;18:308311.
  5. Visser WA , Lee RA , Gielen MJ. Factors affecting the distribution of neural blockade by local anesthetics in epidural anesthesia a comparison of lumbar versus thoracic epidural anesthesia. Anesth Analg. 2008;107(2):708721.
  6. Waurick R , Aken HV. Update in thoracic epidural anaesthesia. Best Pract Res Clinic Aneaesthesiol. 2005;19(2):201213.

Additional Reading

See Also (Topic, Algorithm, Electronic Media Element)

Clinical Pearls


Sharon L. Lin , MD

Jane C. Ahn , MD