Fluid discharge of varying turbidity, color, amount, frequency, and odor from 1 or both nostrils.
Purulent or mucopurulent nasal discharge is not easily confused with other signs.
Variable depending on underlying disease. Appropriate intensive care, nursing care, oxygen administration, and rest for pneumonia and pleuropneumonia patients.
Most respiratory infections require a period of rest to allow recovery. Insult to the airway mucociliary apparatus may take up to 7 weeks to repair.
Contingent on the diagnosis. Infectious disease control, and environmental management control if appropriate.
Contingent on diagnosis.
Ainsworth DM, . Disorders of the respiratory system. In: Reed SM, Bayley WM, Sellon DC, eds. Equine Internal Medicine, 3e. St. Louis: WB Saunders, 2010:290371.
Wilson WD, . Alterations in respiratory function. In: Smith BS, ed. Large Animal Internal Medicine, 5e. St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby, 2015:4853.