Initial fluid therapy to restore hemodynamics and to replace fluid deficits depend heavily on the serum Na+ concentration. Isotonic, and sometimes even hypertonic, crystalloids should be administered to ensure that decreases in serum Na+ concentration do not exceed 0.5 mEq/L/h.
Hyperosmolarity in the ECF, since osmolality and osmolarity are approximately the same in the ECF.
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Osmolality.
George JW, . Water, electrolytes, and acid base. In: Latimer KS, ed. Duncan & Prasse's Veterinary Laboratory Medicine Clinical Pathology, 5e. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell, 2011:146147.
Jose-Cunilleras E. Abnormalities of body fluids and electrolytes in athletic horses. In: Hinchcliff KW, Kaneps AJ, Geor RJ, eds. Equine Sports Medicine and Surgery, 2e. Edinburgh, UK: Saunders, 2013:881885.
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