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Table 2-1

Table 2-1Patterns of Respiration
DescriptionPatternAssociated Features
Normal12-20 breaths/min; Regular

Normal pattern
Tachypnea>24 breaths/min; Shallow

Fever, anxiety, exercise, respiratory disorders
Bradypnea;10 breaths/min; Regular

Depression of the respiratory center by medications, brain damage
HyperventilationIncreased rate and depth

Extreme exercise, fear, diabetic ketoacidosis (Kussmaul's respirations), overdose of aspirin
HypoventilationDecreased rate and depth; irregular

Overdose of narcotics or anesthetics
Cheyne-Stokes respirationsAlternating periods of deep, rapid breathing followed by periods of apnea; regular

Drug overdose, heart failure, increased intracranial pressure, renal failure
Biot's respirationsVarying depth and rate of breathing, followed by periods of apnea; irregular

Meningitis, severe brain damage