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Table 2-2

Table 2-2Categories for Blood Pressure Levels in Adults (Ages 18 and Older)
Blood Pressure Level (mm hg)
Hypertension Stage 1130-139or80-89
Hypertension Stage 2140or90
Hypertensive crisis>180and/or>120

Source:Whelton, P. K., Carey, R. M., Aronow, W. S., Casey, D. E., Collins, K. J., Himmelfarb, C. D., DePalma, S. M., Gidding, S., Jamerson, K. A., Jones, D. W., MacLaughlin, E. J., Muntner, P., Ovbiagele, B., Smith, S. C., Spencer, C. C., Stafford, R. S., Taler, S. J., Thomas, R. J., Williams, Sr., K. A., … Wright, J. T. , Jr. (2018). 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA Guideline for the prevention, detection, evaluation, and management of high blood pressure in adults. Hypertension, 71(4), 1269-1324.