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Adult Laboratory Values*
Commonly Used Abbreviations
  • kg = kilogram
  • g = gram
  • mg = milligram
  • mcg = microgram
  • mEq = milliequivalent
  • L = liter
  • dL (deciliter) = 100 milliliters
  • mL = milliliter
  • mIU = milli-International Unit
  • mm = millimeter
  • mm Hg = millimeters of mercury
  • IU = International Unit
Hematologic ValuesReference Ranges
DeterminationConventional UnitReference Range, SI
Coagulation Factors
Factor I (fibrinogen)0.15-0.35 g/dL4.0-10.0 mcmol/L
Factor II (prothrombin)60-140%0.60-1.40 mcmol/L
Factor V (accelerator globulin)60-140%0.60-1.40 mcmol/L
Factors VII to X (proconvertin to Stuart factor)70-130%0.70-1.30 mcmol/L
Factor X (Stuart factor)60-140%0.70-1.30 mcmol/L
Factor VIII (antihemophilic globulin)50-200%0.50-2.0 mcmol/L
Factor IX (plasma thromboplastic cofactor)60-140%0.60-1.40 mcmol/L
Factor XI (plasma thromboplastic antecedent)60-140%0.60-1.40 mcmol/L
Factor XII (Hageman factor)60-140%0.60-1.40 mcmol/L
Coagulation Screening Tests
Bleeding time (Simplate)2-8 min180-540 sec
Prothrombin time9.5-12 secLess than 2 sec from control
Partial thromboplastin time (activated)20-45 sec25-37 sec
Whole blood clot lysisNo clot lysis in 24 hr0/day
Fibrinolytic Studies
Euglobin lysisNo lysis in 2 hr0 (in 2 hr)
Thrombin timeControl 15 sec
Complete Blood Count
HematocritMale: 42-50%Female: 40-48%Male: 0.42-0.52Female: 0.37-0.48
HemoglobinMale: 13-18 g/dLFemale: 12-16 g/dLMale: 8.1-11.2 mmol/LFemale: 7.4-9.9 mmol/L
Leukocyte count5,000-10,000/mm34.3-10.8 × 109/L
Erythrocyte count4.2 million-5.9 million/mm34.2-5.9 × 1012/L
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)80-94 mcm380-94 fl
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH)27-32 pg1.7-2.0 fmol
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC)33-38%19-22.8 mmol/L
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (Zeta Centrifuge)41-54%Male: 1-13 mm/hFemale: 1-20 mm/h
Erythrocyte Enzymes
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase5-15 U/g Hb5-15 U/g
Pyruvate kinase13-17 U/g Hb13-17 U/g
Ferritin (serum)Females: 5-100 ng/mLMales: 10-270 ng/mL
Folic acid, RIA4-16 ng/mL
Haptoglobin50-250 mg/dL1.0 g-3.0 g/L
Hemoglobin Studies
Electrophoresis for A2 hemoglobin1.5-3.5%0.015-0.035
Hemoglobin, met- and sulf-00
Serum hemoglobin2-3 mg/100 mL1.2-1.9 mcmol/L
Lupus erythematosus (LE) preparation
Heparin as anticoagulant00
Defibrinated blood00
MuramidaseSerum, 3-7 mcg/mLUrine, 0-2 mcg/mL3-7 mg/L0-2 mg/L
Osmotic fragility of erythrocyteIncreased if hemolysis occurs in over 0.5% NaCl; decreased if hemolysis is incomplete in 0.3% NaCl
Peroxide hemolysis;10%;0.10
Platelet count100,000-400,000/mm3150-350 × 109/L
Platelet Function Tests
Clot retraction50-100%/2 hr0.50-1.00/2 hr
Platelet aggregationFull response to ADP, epinephrine and collagen1.0
Platelet factor 333-57 sec33-57 sec
Reticulocyte count0.5-1.5% red cells0.005-0.15
Vitamin B1290-280 pg/mL (borderline: 70-90)66-207 pmol/L (borderline: 52-66)
Blood, Plasma, or Serum ValuesReference Ranges
Acetoacetate plus acetone0.3-2.0 mg/dL3-20 mg/L
Aldolase1.3-8.2 mU/mL12-75 nmol sec1/L
Alpha amino nitrogen3.0-5.5 mg/100 mL2.1-3.9 mmol/L
Ammonia80-110 mcg/100 mL47-65 mcmol/L
Ascorbic acid0.4-1.5 mg/100 mL23-85 mcmol/L
Bilirubin (van den Bergh test)1 min: 0.4 mg/100 mLDirect: 0.1-0.2 mg/dLTotal: 1.0 mg/100 mLIndirect: 0.1-1.0 mg/dLUp to 7 mcmol/LUp to 17 mcmol/L
Blood volume8.5-9.0% of body weight in kgToxic level: 17 mEq/L80-85 mL/kg
Bromsulphalein (BSP);5% retention 45 min after 5 mg/kg IV;0.05 L
Calcium8.5-10.5 mg/100 mL2.1-2.5 mmol/L
Carbon dioxide content24 mEq-32 mEq/L24-30 mmol/L
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)0.25 mg/mL0-2.5 mcg/L
Carotenoids0.8-4.0 mcg/mL1.5-7.4 mcmol/L
Ceruloplasmin27-37 mg/100 mL1.8-2.4 mcmol/L
Chloride95-105 mEq/L100-106 mmol/L
Cholesterol;200 mg/dL
Cholinesterase (pseudocholinesterase)0.5 pH U or more/hr0.7 pH U or more/hr for packed cells0.5 arb unit or more
CopperTotal: 100-200 mcg/100 mL16-31 mcmol/L
Creatine phosphokinase (CPK)Female: 50-250 mU/mLMale: 50-325 mU/mL0.08-0.58 mcmol sec1/L
Creatinine0.7-1.4 mg/100 mL60-130 mcmol/L
Ethanol0.3-0.4%, marked intoxication0.4-0.5%, alcoholic stupor0.5%, alcoholic coma65-87 mmol/L87-109 mmol/L>109 mmol/L
Glucose Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c)Fasting: 60-100 mg/dL 4.0-5.6%3.9-5.6 mmol/L None
Iron65-170 mcg/100 mL (higher in males)9.0-26.9 mcmol/L
Iron-binding capacity250-410 mcg/100 mL44.8-73.4 mcmol/L
Lactic acid0.6-1.8 mEq/L0.6-1.8 mmol/L
Lactic dehydrogenase isoenzymes100-225 mU/mL1.00-2.00 mcmol sec1/L
Lead50 mcg/100 mLUp to 2.4 mcmol/L
Lipase2 U/mLUp to 2 arb units
Lipids, total400-1,000 mg/dL3.10-5.69 mmol/L
Magnesium0.33-2.4 mEq/L0.8-1.3 mmol/L
59 Nucleotidase0.3-3.2 Bodansky U30-290 nmol sec1/L
Osmolality280-300 mOsm/kg water285-295 mmol/kg
Oxygen saturation (arterial)95-100%0.96-1.00 L
Pco235-45 mm Hg4.7-6.0 kPg
Po295-100 mm Hg (dependent on age while breathing room air)>500 mm Hg while on 100% O210.0-13.3 kPa
Phenylalanine0-2 mg/100 mL0-120 mcmol/L
Phosphorus (inorganic)3.0-4.5 mg/100 mL1.0-1.5 mmol/L
Potassium3.8-5.0 mEq/L3.5-5.0 mmol/L
Primidone (Mysoline)Therapeutic level, 4-12 mcg/mL18-55 mcmol/L
Protein, total6.0-8.0 g/100 mL60-84 g/L
Albumin3.5-5.0 g/100 mL33-50 g/L
Globulin1.5-3.0 g/100 mL23-35 g/L
Electrophoresis% of total protein% of total protein
Albumin3.3-5.0 g/dL0.52-0.68
Alpha10.2-0.4 g/dL0.042-0.072
Alpha20.6-1.0 g/dL0.068-0.12
Beta0.6-1.2 g/dL0.093-0.15
Gamma0.7-1.5 g/dL0.3-0.7 mg/dL0.13-0.230-0.11 mmol/L
Sodium135-145 mEq/L135-145 mmol/L
Sulfate0.5-1.5 mg/100 mL0.05-1.2 mmol/L
Transaminase (SGOT) (aspartate aminotransferase)7-40 U/mL0.08-0.32 mcmol sec1/L
Urea nitrogen (BUN)10-20 mg/100 mL2.9-8.9 mmol/L
Uric acid2.5-8.0 mg/100 mL0.13-0.42 mmol/L
Vitamin A50-220 mcg/dL0.5-2.1 mcmol/L
Urine ValuesReference Ranges
Acetone plus acetoacetate (quantitative)00 mg/L
Alpha amino nitrogen64-199 mg/day; not over 1.5% of total nitrogen4.6-14.2 mmol/day
Amylase35-260 U/mL24-76 arb units
Calcium150 mg/day or less3.8 mmol/day or less
CatecholaminesEpinephrine, 10-40%Norepinephrine, 60-90%;55 nmol/day;590 nmol/day
Copper20-70 mcg/day0-1.6 mcmol/day
Coproporphyrin50-300 mcg/day80-380 nmol/day
Creatine0-200 mg/24 hr;0.75 mmol/day
Cystine or cysteine00
Follicle-stimulating hormone
Follicular phase5-20 IU/daySame
Midcycle15-60 IU/day
Luteal phase5-15 IU/day
Menopausal50-100 IU/day
Men5-25 IU/day
Hemoglobin and myoglobin0
5-Hydroxyindole acetic acid2-9 mg/day (women lower than men)10-45 mcmol/day
Phenolsulfonphthalein (PSP)At least 25% excreted by 15 min; 40% by 30 min; 60% by 120 min0.25 L
Phosphorus (inorganic)Varies with intake; average 1 g/day32 mmol/day
Protein, quantitative;150 mg/24 hr;0.15 g/day
17-Ketosteroids (per day)Age (yr)Male (mg)Female (mg)Male (mcmol/day)Female (mcmol/day)
17-Hydroxysteroids3-8 mg/day (women lower than men)8-22 mcmol/day as hydrocortisone
Quantitative glucoseIdentification of reducing substancesFructosePentose0000 mmol/L0 mmol/L0 mmol/L
Titratable acidity20-40 mEq/day20-40 mmol/day
Urobilinogen;0.25 mg/dLTo 1.0 arb unit
UroporphyrinUp to 50 mcg in 24 hr0 nmol/day
Vanillylmandelic acid (VMA)0.7-6.8 mg/24 hrUp to 45 mcmol/day
Cerebrospinal Fluid ValuesReference Ranges
Bilirubin00 mcmol/L
Chloride100-130 mEq/L
Albumin15.5-32.0 mg/dL0.295 g/L 6 2 SD (0.11-0.48)
IgG0-6.6 mg/dL0.043 g/L 6 2 SD (0-0.086)
Glucose50-75 mg/100 mL(30-50% less than blood)2.8-4.2 mmol/L
Pressure (initial)70-180 mm H2O70-80 arb units
Lumbar15-45 mg/100 mL0.15-0.45 g/L
Cisternal15-25 mg/100 mL0.15-0.25 g/L
Ventricular5-15 mg/100 mL0.05-0.15 g/L
Special Endocrine TestsReference Ranges
Steroid Hormones
AldosteroneExcretion: 5-19 mcg/24 hr14-53 nmol/day
Fasting, at rest, 210 mEq sodium dietSupine: 48 ± 29 pg/mL Upright: (2 h) 65 ± 23 pg/mL133 ± 80 pmol/L 180 ± 64 pmol/L
Fasting, at rest, 110 mEq sodium dietSupine: 107 ± 45 pg/mL Upright: 239 ± 123 pg/mL279 ± 125 pmol/L 663 ± 341 pmol/L
Fasting, at rest, 10 mEq sodium dietSupine: 175 ± 75 pg/mLUpright: 532 ± 228 pg/mL485 ± 208 pmol/L 1,476 ± 632 pmol/L
Fasting8 am: 5-25 mcg/100 mL0.14-0.69 mcmol/L
At rest8 pm: ;10 mcg/100 mL0-0.28 mcmol/L
20 U ACTH4-hour ACTH test: 30-45 mcg/100 mL0.83-1.24 mcmol/L
Dexamethasone at midnightOvernight suppression test: ;5 mcg/100 mLExcretion: 20-70 mcg/24 hr;0.14 nmol/L55-193 nmol/day
11-DeoxycortisolResponsive: >7.5 mcg/100 mL (after metrapone)>0.22 mcmol/L
TestosteroneAdult male: 300-1,100 ng/100 mL Adolescent male: >100 ng/100 mL Females: 25-90 ng/100 mL10.4-38.1 nmol/L >3.5 nmol/L 0.87-3.12 nmol/L
Unbound testosteroneAdult male: 3.06-24.0 ng/100 mL Adult female: 0.09-1.28 ng/100 mL106-832 pmol/L 3.1-44.4 pmol/L
Polypeptide Hormones
Adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH)15-70 pg/mL3.3-15.4 pmol/L
CalcitoninUndetectable in normals>100 pg/mL in medullary carcinoma0 >29.3 pmol/L
Growth hormone
Fasting, at rest;5 ng/mL Children: >10 ng/mL;233 pmol/L >465 pmol/L
After exerciseMale: ;5 ng/mL Female: up to 30 ng/mL;233 pmol/L 0-1,395 pmol/L
After glucoseMale: ;5 ng/mL Female: ;10 mg/mL;233 pmol/L 0-465 pmol/L
Fasting6-26 mcU/mL43-187 pmol/L
During hypoglycemia;20 mcU/mL;144 pmol/L
After glucoseUp to 150 mcU/mL0-1,078 pmol/L
Luteinizing hormoneMale: 6-18 mU/mL6-18 U/L
Preovulatory or postovulatoryFemale: 5-22 mU/mL5-22 U/L
Midcycle peak30-250 mU/mL30-250 U/L
Parathyroid hormone;10 mcl equiv/mL;10 mL equiv/L
Prolactin2-15 ng/mL0.08-6.0 nmol/L
Renin activity
Normal dietSupine: 1.1 ± 0.8 ng/mL/hr Upright: 1.9 ± 1.7 ng/mL/hr0.9 ± 0.6 nmol/L/hr 1.5 ± 1.3 nmol/L/hr
Low-sodium dietSupine: 2.7 ± 1.8 ng/mL/hr Upright: 6.6 ± 2.5 ng/mL/hr2.1 ± 1.4 nmol/L/hr 5.1 ± 1.9 nmol/L/hr
High-sodium dietDiuretics: 10.0 ± 3.7 ng/mL/hr7.7 ± 2.9 nmol/L/hr
Thyroid Hormones
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)0.5-3.5 mcU/mL0.5-3.5 mU/L
Thyroxine-binding globulin capacity15-25 mcg T4/100 mL193-322 mU/L
Total triiodothyronine by radioimmunoassay (RIA; T3)70-190 ng/100 mL1.08-2.92 nmol/L
Total thyroxine (T4) by RIA4-12 mcg/100 mL52-154 nmol/L
T3 resin uptake25-35%0.25-0.35
Free thyroxine index (FT4I)1-4 ng/100 mL12.8-51.2 pmol/L

*Laboratory values may vary according to techniques used in different laboratories.