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Table 2-4

Table 2-4Korotkoff Sounds
Phase ICharacterized by the first appearance of faint, but clear tapping sounds that gradually increase in intensity; the first tapping sound is the systolic pressure.
Phase IICharacterized by muffled or swishing sounds; these sounds may temporarily disappear, especially in hypertensive people; the disappearance of the sound during the latter part of phase I and during phase II is called the auscultatory gap and may cover a range of as much as 40 mm Hg; failing to recognize this gap may cause serious errors of underestimating systolic pressure or overestimating diastolic pressure.
Phase IIICharacterized by distinct, loud sounds as the blood flows relatively freely through an increasingly open artery.
Phase IVCharacterized by a distinct, abrupt, muffling sound with a soft, blowing quality; in adults, the onset of this phase is considered the first diastolic pressure.
Phase VThe last sound heard before a period of continuous silence; the pressure at which the last sound is heard is the second diastolic pressure.