The focus of this program is to reduce postoperative respiratory complications.
I COUGH stands for
I.Incentive Spirometry: Deep-breathing exercises will help keep your lungs healthy and prevent lung problems. This breathing exercise needs to be done 10 times each hour.
C.Cough and Deep Breathe: After surgery taking deep breaths and coughing helps to clear your lungs. This helps the lungs do the vital job of delivering oxygen to the tissues in your body.
O.Oral Care: Brushing your teeth and using mouthwash twice a day keeps your mouth clean from germs.
U.Understanding Patient Education: Is important for you and your family to take an active part in your recovery. We want your pain to be controlled so you can take deep breaths, cough, get out of bed for a walk and be sitting up at mealtime.
G.Get Out of Bed: Walking will help clear secretions from your lungs, help your circulation and help to regain your strength.
H.Head of Bed Elevated: It is important to keep the head of the bed elevated between 30 and 45 degrees. Being in an upright position after your operation will help with your breathing.