Glasgow Coma Scale - (Calc)
Eye opening Opens eyes spontaneously when someone approaches Opens eyes in response to speech (normal tone or shouting) Opens eyes only to painful stimuli (apply pressure with a pen to the lateral outer aspect of the second or third finger, up to 10 seconds, then release) No response to painful stimuli
Motor Response Accurately responds to instructions; obeys a simple command, such as Lift your left hand off the bed Localizes (move hand to point of stimulation) to painful stimuli and attempts to remove source. Flexion reflex action, but unable to locate the source of pain; purposeless movement in response to pain Flexes elbows and wrists while extending lower legs to pain; decorticate posturing Extends upper and lower extremities to pain; decerebrate posturing No motor response to pain on any limb
Verbal Response Converses; oriented to time, place, and person Converses; disoriented to time, place, or person; any one or all indicators Converses only in words or phrases that make little sense in the context of the questions Responds with incomprehensible sounds; no understandable words and/or moaning, groaning or crying in response to painful stimuli No response
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Glasgow Coma Scale - (Calc)

This formula calculates the Glasgow coma score that indicates the level of CNS damage/injury.

Scores are calculated by adding individual scores in

"Eye opening",

"Motor Response1",

and "Verbal Response" as below:

Eye Opening

4 Opens Spontaneously

3 To Loud Voice

2 To Pain

1 Nil

Motor Response

6 Obeys Verbal Command

5 Localizes Pain

4 Flexion Withdrawal

3 Decorticate Rigidity

2 Decerebrate Rigidity

1 Nil

Verbal Response

5 Oriented/Converses

4 Disoriented/Converses

3 Inappropriate Words

2 Incomprehensible

1 Nil