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Case Study

Abigail Cantonelli, age 80, injured her left knee and wrist when she fell on an icy sidewalk. She has been on your orthopedic and neurologic unit for several days. She has a history of cardiomyopathy, for which she receives furosemide. Her vital signs are stable and she rates her pain as aching, intermittent, and a 2 on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 = worst pain). Because Mrs. Cantonelli has an increased risk of falling, she has been prescribed physical therapy and cane-walking instructions before discharge. Although the physical therapy staff has already initiated the cane-walking instructions, you will need to ambulate Mrs. Cantonelli with her cane during your shift. While you are ambulating down the hall, she says, “Oh, dear! I feel dizzy.” She begins to lose her balance and fall toward you.

Prescribed Interventions
Developing Clinical Reasoning and Clinical Judgment
Suggested Responses for Integrated Nursing Care