Box 18-1 | Characteristics of Sputum and Potential Causes |
Sputum Characteristic | Potential Cause |
Thick and yellow or green (purulent) | Bacterial infection |
Thin, white, or clear, mucoid (mucous) | Colds, viral infections, bronchitis |
Rust colored | Tuberculosis, pneumococcal pneumonia |
Gradual increase of sputum over time | Chronic bronchitis |
Pink-tinged, mucoid (mucous) sputum | Lung tumor, tuberculosis |
Profuse, frothy, pink sputum | Pulmonary edema |
Foul-smelling sputum and bad breath | Lung abscess, bronchiectasis, anaerobic infection |
Source: Adapted from Hinkle, J. L., Cheever, K. H., & Overbaugh, K. (2022). Brunner & Suddarth's Textbook of medical-surgical nursing (15th ed.). Wolters Kluwer; Jarvis, C. (2020). Physical examination and health assessment (8th ed.). Elsevier; and Jensen, S. (2019). Nursing health assessment: A best practice approach (3rd ed.). Wolters Kluwer.