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Case Study

Tula Stillwater is 36 years old and has had diabetes since age 26. Ms. Stillwater weighs 218 lb, is gravida 1 para 1, and delivered a 9 lb, 6 oz boy via cesarean section 3 days ago, resulting in a transverse abdominal incision with staples. She reports tenderness on the right side of the incision, but acute pain on the left side of the incision. Her 0800 vital signs are as follows: temperature, 101.6°F; pulse, 76 beats/min; respirations, 18 breaths/min; blood pressure, 134/78 mm Hg. Her blood glucose before breakfast is 185 mg/dL; her blood glucose on previous days had ranged from 90 to 124 mg/dL.On initial assessment, you note the dressing is intact on her incision. The staples are intact in the incision; the incision is well approximated and without erythema on the right side. However, the left side of the incision is pulling apart and is edematous and warm to the touch, with a scant amount of purulent drainage.

Prescribed Interventions
Developing Clinical Reasoning and Clinical Judgment
Suggested Responses for Integrated Nursing Care