Author(s): Kathy McLaughlin, DNP, RN, CWOCN
The goal of wound cleaning is to remove debris and contaminants from the wound without damaging healthy tissue. After an initial cleaning, wounds should be cleaned before a new dressing is applied and as needed.
Step by step
As you follow these steps, be sure to observe standard precautions. Follow facility protocols regarding use of clean or sterile technique.
Wound reassessment algorithm
Cleaning techniques
To clean a linear-shaped wound (such as an incision), gently wipe from top to bottom in one motion, starting directly over the wound and moving outward, as shown below.
For an open wound (such as a pressure injury/ulcer), gently wipe in concentric circles, starting directly over the wound and moving outward, as shown below.
Choosing a cleaning agent
The type of cleaning agent you'll use on a wound depends on the wound type and characteristics.
Types of antiseptic solutions