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Table 11.1

Aldrete's Scoring System

AssessmentPostprocedure Aldrete's Scoring System
ActivityAble to move four extremities voluntarily or on command2
Able to move two extremities voluntarily or on command1
Not able to move extremities voluntarily or on command0
RespirationAble to deep breath and cough freely2
Dyspnea, shallow, or limited breathing1
CirculationBlood pressure ±20 mm Hg of presedation level: stable pulse/pediatrics: return to VS baseline2
Blood pressure ±20–50 mm Hg of presedation level: abnormal dysrhythmia1
ConsciousnessBlood pressure ±50 mm Hg of presedation level: symptomatic dysrhythmia0
Fully awake2
Arousable on calling1
Not responding0
O2 saturationAble to maintain SaO2>90% on room air2
Needs O2 to maintain SaO2>90%1
SaO2<90% even with O2 supplement0