Riker Sedation-Agitation Scale
Score | Level | Clinical Presentation |
7 | Dangerous agitation | Pulling at ET tube, trying to remove catheters, climbing over bed rail, striking out at staff, thrashing side to side | 6 | Very agitated | Does not calm despite frequent verbal reminding of limits, biting ET tube, requires physical restraints | 5 | Agitated | Anxious or mildly agitated, attempting to sit up but calms down to verbal instructions | 4 | Calm | Cooperative, awakens easily, follows commands | 3 | Sedated | Difficult to arouse, awakens to verbal stimuli or gentle shaking but drifts off again. Follows simple commands | 2 | Very sedated | Arouses to physical stimuli but does not communicate or follow commands. May move spontaneously | 1 | Unarousable | Minimal or no response to noxious stimuli; does not communicate or follow any commands |