section name header


ECG Test Strip 1

Note: All ECG strips in Tab: Test Strips were recorded in lead II.


ECG Test Strip 2


ECG Test Strip 3


ECG Strip 1ECG Strip 2ECG Strip 3
Rate: Rate: Rate:
Rhythm: Rhythm: Rhythm:
P Waves: P Waves: P Waves:
PR Interval: PR Interval: PR Interval:

Case Study One:A 66-year-old woman with a history of heart disease is found unresponsive. This is an unwitnessed cardiac arrest with the initial rhythm shown in ECG strip 4. CPR is initiated while the defibrillator is charged. Strip 5 shows the rhythm following defibrillation. Because the first defibrillation was unsuccessful, the machine is charged a second time. The next rhythm is shown in strip 6.

ECG Strip 4 Interpretation:

ECG Strip 5 Interpretation:

ECG Strip 6 Interpretation:

ECG Test Strip 4


ECG Test Strip 5


ECG Test Strip 6


ECG Test Strip 7


ECG Test Strip 8


ECG Test Strip 9


ECG Strip 7ECG Strip 8ECG Strip 9
Rate: Rate: Rate:
Rhythm: Rhythm: Rhythm:
P Waves: P Waves: P Waves:
PR Interval: PR Interval: PR Interval:
Interpretation: Interpretation: Interpretation:

Case Study Two: A 72-year-old man is complaining of dizziness and anxiety. Strip 10 shows his initial rhythm. An IV is started, and the patient is given oxygen, but his vital signs become unstable (strip 11). An IVP of adenosine is given, and his condition stabilizes with the final rhythm, shown in strip 12.

ECG Strip 10 Interpretation:

ECG Strip 11 Interpretation:

ECG Strip 12 Interpretation:

ECG Test Strip 10


ECG Test Strip 11


ECG Test Strip 12


ECG Test Strip 13


ECG Test Strip 14


ECG Test Strip 15


ECG Strip 13ECG Strip 14ECG Strip 15
Rate: Rate: Rate:
Rhythm: Rhythm: Rhythm:
P Waves: P Waves: P Waves:
PR Interval: PR Interval: PR Interval:
Interpretation: Interpretation: Interpretation:

ECG Test Strip 16


ECG Test Strip 17


ECG Test Strip 18


ECG Strip 16ECG Strip 17ECG Strip 18
Rate: Rate: Rate:
Rhythm: Rhythm: Rhythm:
P Waves: P Waves: P Waves:
PR Interval: PR Interval: PR Interval:
Interpretation:Interpretation: Interpretation:

ECG Test Strip 19


ECG Test Strip 20


ECG Test Strip 21


ECG Strip 19ECG Strip 20ECG Strip 21
Rate: Rate: Rate:
Rhythm: Rhythm: Rhythm:
P Waves: P Waves: P Waves:
PR Interval: PR Interval: PR Interval:
Interpretation: Interpretation: Interpretation:

Case Study Three: A 44-year-old man complains of severe chest pain. He has diaphoresis, BP of 80/60 mm Hg, and 24 respirations/min. The initial rhythm, recorded by the paramedics, is shown in strip 22. An IV is started, and the patient is given oxygen. Because his condition is unstable, he receives sedation and cardioversion (strip 23). There is no change, and cardioversion is performed a second time (strip 24).

ECG Strip 22 Interpretation:

ECG Strip 23 Interpretation:

ECG Strip 24 Interpretation:

ECG Test Strip 22


ECG Test Strip 23


ECG Test Strip 24


ECG Test Strip 25


ECG Test Strip 26


ECG Test Strip 27


ECG Strip 25ECG Strip 26ECG Strip 27
Rate: Rate: Rate:
Rhythm: Rhythm: Rhythm:
P Waves: P Waves: P Waves:
PR Interval: PR Interval: PR Interval:
Interpretation: Interpretation: Interpretation:

ECG Test Strip 28


ECG Test Strip 29


ECG Test Strip 30


ECG Strip 28ECG Strip 29ECG Strip 30
Rate: Rate: Rate:
Rhythm: Rhythm: Rhythm:
P Waves: P Waves: P Waves:
PR Interval: PR Interval: PR Interval:
Interpretation: Interpretation: Interpretation:

ECG Test Strip 31


ECG Test Strip 32


ECG Test Strip 33


ECG Strip 31ECG Strip 32ECG Strip 33
Rate: Rate: Rate:
Rhythm: Rhythm: Rhythm:
P Waves: P Waves: P Waves:
PR Interval: PR Interval: PR Interval:
Interpretation: Interpretation: Interpretation:

ECG Test Strip 34


ECG Test Strip 35


ECG Test Strip 36


ECG Strip 34ECG Strip 35ECG Strip 36
Rate: Rate: Rate:
Rhythm: Rhythm: Rhythm:
P Waves: P Waves: P Waves:
PR Interval: PR Interval: PR Interval:
Interpretation: Interpretation: Interpretation:

ECG Test Strip 37


ECG Test Strip 38


ECG Test Strip 39


ECG Strip 37 Interpretation:

ECG Strip 38 Interpretation:

ECG Strip 39 Interpretation:

ECG Test Strip 40


ECG Test Strip 41


ECG Test Strip 42


ECG Strip 40ECG Strip 41ECG Strip 42
Rate: Rate: Rate:
Rhythm: Rhythm: Rhythm:
P Waves: P Waves: P Waves:
PR Interval: PR Interval: PR Interval:
Interpretation: Interpretation: Interpretation:

ECG Test Strip 43


ECG Test Strip 44


ECG Test Strip 45


ECG Strip 43ECG Strip 44ECG Strip 45
Rate: Rate: Rate:
Rhythm: Rhythm: Rhythm:
P Waves: P Waves: P Waves:
PR Interval: PR Interval: PR Interval:
Interpretation: Interpretation: Interpretation:

ECG Test Strip 46


ECG Test Strip 47


ECG Test Strip 48


ECG Strip 46ECG Strip 47ECG Strip 48
Rate: Rate: Rate:
Rhythm: Rhythm: Rhythm:
P Waves: P Waves: P Waves:
PR Interval: PR Interval: PR Interval:
Interpretation: Interpretation: Interpretation:

ECG Test Strip 49


ECG Test Strip 50


ECG Test Strip 51


ECG Strip 49ECG Strip 50ECG Strip 51
Rate: Rate: Rate:
Rhythm: Rhythm: Rhythm:
P Waves: P Waves: P Waves:
PR Interval: PR Interval: PR Interval:
Interpretation: Interpretation: Interpretation:

Answers to ECG Test Strips

ECG Strip 1ECG Strip 2ECG Strip 3
Rate: 35 bpmRate: 34 bpmRate: Atrial: 300 bpm; ventricular: 150 bpm
Rhythm: RegularRhythm: RegularRhythm: Regular
P Waves: NormalP Waves: NoneP Waves: Flutter waves
PR Interval: 0.16 secPR Interval: NonePR Interval: None
QRS: 0.10 secQRS: 0.20 secQRS: 0.08 sec
Interpretation: Sinus bradycardiaInterpretation: Idioventricular rhythmInterpretation: Atrial flutter with 2:1 conduction

ECG Strip 4 Interpretation:Ventricular fibrillation (VF)

ECG Strip 5 Interpretation: VF with defibrillation converting back to same rhythm

ECG Strip 6 Interpretation: VF with defibrillation converting to sinus rhythm at 68 bpm

ECG Strip 7ECG Strip 8ECG Strip 9
Rate: 115 bpmRate: NoneRate: 115 bpm
Rhythm: RegularRhythm: NoneRhythm: Regular
P Waves: NormalP Waves: NoneP Waves: None
PR Interval: 0.12 secPR Interval: NonePR Interval: None
QRS: 0.10 secQRS: NoneQRS: Wide (greater than 0.12 sec), bizarre
Interpretation: Sinus tachycardiaInterpretation: AsystoleInterpretation: Ventricular tachycardia-monomorphic

ECG Strip 10 Interpretation: Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia-initial junctional rhythm at 48 bpm, converting to supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) at 214 bpm

ECG Strip 11 Interpretation: SVT at 214 bpm

ECG Strip 12 Interpretation: SVT at 214 bpm converting to a sinus rhythm at 100 bpm

ECG Strip 13ECG Strip 14ECG Strip 15
Rate: 41 bpmRate: Basic rate 79 bpmRate: 58 bpm
Rhythm: RegularRhythm: IrregularRhythm: Regular
P Waves: NormalP Waves: NormalP Waves: Normal
PR Interval: 0.20 secPR Interval: 0.16 secPR Interval: 0.32 sec
QRS: 0.24 secQRS: 0.08 secQRS: 0.08 sec
Interpretation: Sinus bradycardia with a bundle branch blockInterpretation: Sinus rhythm with sinus pause/arrestInterpretation: Sinus bradycardia with first-degree AV block
ECG Strip 16ECG Strip 17ECG Strip 18
Rate: Atrial: 350 bpm; ventricular 100 bpmRate: Atrial 68 bpmRate: 100 bpm (counting PVCs), 69 bpm in underlying rhythm
Rhythm: IrregularRhythm: Atrial regularRhythm: Irregular
P Waves: NoneP Waves: NormalP Waves: Normal
PR Interval: NonePR Interval: NonePR Interval: 0.16 sec
QRS: 0.12 secQRS: NoneQRS: 0.08 sec
Interpretation: Atrial fibrillationInterpretation: P Wave asystoleInterpretation: Sinus rhythm with premature ventricular contractions-triplets
ECG Strip 19ECG Strip 20ECG Strip 21
Rate: 65 bpmRate: 214 bpmRate: 70 bpm (counting PVCs), 35 bpm in underlying rhythm
Rhythm: RegularRhythm: RegularRhythm: Irregular
P Waves: NormalP Waves: NoneP Waves: Normal
PR Interval: 0.20 secPR Interval: NonePR Interval: 0.16 sec
QRS: 0.08 secQRS: Wide (greater than 0.12 sec), bizarreQRS: 0.08 sec
Interpretation: Normal sinus rhythm with U waveInterpretation: Ventricular tachycardia (VT)-monomorphicInterpretation: Sinus bradycardia with ventricular bigeminy

ECG Strip 22 Interpretation: VT-monomorphic

ECG Strip 23 Interpretation: VT-monomorphic with cardioversion converting to same rhythm

ECG Strip 24 Interpretation: VT-monomorphic with cardioversion converting to a sinus rhythm

ECG Strip 25ECG Strip 26ECG Strip 27
Rate: Pacing spikes 68 bpmRate: Atrial 125 bpm, ventricular 44 bpmRate: 200–250 bpm
Rhythm: Regular pacing spikesRhythm: RegularRhythm: Irregular
P Waves: NoneP Waves: NormalP Waves: None
PR Interval: NonePR Interval: 0.16 secPR Interval: None
QRS: NoneQRS: 0.10 secQRS: Wide (greater than 0.12 sec)
Interpretation: Pacemaker-100% failure to capture, underlying rhythm asystoleInterpretation: Second-degree AV block type II with 3:1 conductionInterpretation: Torsade de pointes
ECG Strip 28ECG Strip 29ECG Strip 30
Rate: 70 bpmRate: NoneRate: 70 bpm (counting PVCs), 68 bpm in underlying rhythm
Rhythm: IrregularRhythm: NoneRhythm: Irregular
P Waves: NormalP Waves: NoneP Waves: Normal
PR Interval: VariablePR Interval: NonePR Interval: 0.16 sec
QRS: 0.08 secQRS: NoneQRS: 0.10 sec
Interpretation: Second-degree AV block type IInterpretation: Loose electrodesInterpretation: Sinus rhythm with multiform PVCs-couplets
ECG Strip 31ECG Strip 32ECG Strip 33
Rate: 68 bpmRate: Atrial 75 bpm, ventricular 48 bpmRate: Indeterminate
Rhythm: RegularRhythm: RegularRhythm: Irregular (chaotic)
P Waves: Upright with pacing spikesP Waves: Normal, superimposed on QRS and T wavesP Waves: None
PR Interval: 0.16 secPR Interval: VariesPR Interval: None
QRS: 0.10 secQRS: 0.16 secQRS: None
Interpretation: Atrial pacemaker with 100% captureInterpretation: Third-degree AV blockInterpretation: Ventricular fibrillation
ECG Strip 34ECG Strip 35ECG Strip 36
Rate: 48 bpmRate: 250 bpmRate: Atrial: 350 bpm; ventricular: 130 bpm
Rhythm: RegularRhythm: IrregularRhythm: Irregular
P Waves: InvertedP Waves: NoneP Waves: None
PR Interval: 0.12 secPR Interval: NonePR Interval: None
QRS: 0.08 secQRS: Wide (greater than 0.12 sec)QRS: 0.10 sec
Interpretation: JunctionalInterpretation: VT-polymorphicInterpretation: Atrial fibrillation

ECG Strip 37 Interpretation: Agonal rhythm at 22 bpm

ECG Strip 38 Interpretation: Pacemaker failure to capture. When the pacemaker voltage is increased, there is capture at pacemaker spike 4.

ECG Strip 39 Interpretation:Junctional bradycardia at 38 bpm converting to sinus bradycardia at 38 bpm

ECG Strip 40ECG Strip 41ECG Strip 42
Rate: 75 bpmRate: 80 bpm (counting PVCs), 75 bpm in underlying rhythmRate: 70 bpm (counting PJCs), 68 bpm in underlying rhythm
Rhythm: RegularRhythm: IrregularRhythm: Irregular
P Waves: NormalP Waves: NormalP Waves: Normal; none associated with premature junctional contraction
PR Interval: 0.16 secPR Interval: 0.20 secPR Interval: 0.16 sec
QRS: 0.08 secQRS: 0.10 secQRS: 0.10 sec
Interpretation: Normal sinus rhythmInterpretation: Sinus rhythm with ventricular trigeminyInterpretation: Sinus rhythm with PJCs at beats 4 and 6
ECG Strip 43ECG Strip 44ECG Strip 45
Rate: 75 bpmRate: 75 bpmRate: 70 bpm (counting PACs), 68 bpm in underlying rhythm
Rhythm: RegularRhythm: RegularRhythm: Irregular
P Waves: Upright with pacing spikeP Waves: Not visibleP Waves: Normal
PR Interval: 0.20 secPR Interval: Not measurablePR Interval: 0.16 sec
QRS: 0.16 sec; pacing spike prior to QRSQRS: Not measurableQRS: 0.10 sec
Interpretation: Atrial-ventricular pacemakerInterpretation: Sinus rhythm with muscle artifactInterpretation: Sinus rhythm with two premature atrial contractions (beats 2 and 7)
ECG Strip 46ECG Strip 47ECG Strip 48
Rate: 88 bpmRate: 250 bpmRate: 136 bpm
Rhythm: RegularRhythm: RegularRhythm: Regular
P Waves: NormalP Waves: Buried in T wavesP Waves: Not visible
PR Interval: 0.12 secPR Interval: Not measurablePR Interval: Not measurable
QRS: 0.12 secQRS: 0.08 secQRS: 0.10 sec
Interpretation: Sinus rhythm with ST segment elevationInterpretation: Supraventricular tachycardiaInterpretation: Sinus tachycardia with muscle artifact
ECG Strip 49ECG Strip 50ECG Strip 51
Rate: 71 bpmRate: 60 bpm (counting SA blocks), 79 bpm in underlying rhythmRate: 107 bpm
Rhythm: RegularRhythm: IrregularRhythm: Regular
P Waves: NormalP Waves: NormalP Waves: Notched (P prime)
PR Interval: 0.16 secPR Interval: 0.16 secPR Interval: 0.20 sec
QRS: 0.10 secQRS: 0.10 secQRS: 0.12 sec
Interpretation: Sinus rhythm with ST segment depressionInterpretation: Sinus rhythm with two sinoatrial (SA) blocksInterpretation: Sinus tachycardia with P prime wave


























