- Amino acids (TrophAmine) (MG): 1.5%
- Dextrose : 10%
- Sodium chloride : 20 mEq
- Sodium acetate : 10 mEq
- Potassium acetate : 5 mEq
- Potassium phosphates : 10 mmol
- Calcium gluconate : 20 mEq
- Magnesium sulfate : 4 mEq
- Trace elements (FUJ):a
- Multivitamins (AST):b
- Heparin sodium : 1000 units
- L-Cysteinec: 600 mg
Component (Mfr): Concentration per Liter
aTested with and without trace elements (Neotrace, Fujisawa).bTested with and without multivitamins (M.V.I. Pediatric, Astra) 3.5 mL/L.c40 mg/g of protein.