Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= benign exophytic surface lesion of bone
- Cause: ? reactive mass of heterotopic mineralization arising from periosteum of intact cortex without involvement of medullary canal
- Location: small tubular bones of hands + feet; proximal and middle phalanges (92%); metacarpal bones (8%)
- Site: diaphyses + metaphyses of phalanges
- painless progressive swelling of digit
- ± limited motion in proximity to a joint
- well-marginated ossified broad-based lesion arising from bone cortex, usually without cortical erosion
- cortical + medullary discontinuity from underlying host bone
- periosteal reaction usually absent
- uniformly enhancing T1-hypointense mass
- mass of hyperintensity on T2WI
Rx: surgical excision with wide margins in symptomatic patient
Prognosis: 55% recurrence rate within 2 years of excision
DDx: osteochondroma (cortical + medullary continuity between host bone and mass)