Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
metatropic = changeable (change in proportions of trunk to limbs over time ← developing kyphoscoliosis in childhood)
- longitudinal double skin fold overlying coccyx
- long bones short with dumbbell-like / trumpet-shaped configuration (= exaggerated metaphyseal flaring)
- hourglass phalanges (= short phalanges with widened ends)
- wide separation of major joint spaces (thick articular cartilage)
- delayed ossification of flat irregular epiphyses
- Chest
- cylindrical narrowed elongated thorax
- short + wide ribs
- pectus carinatum
- Vertebrae
- odontoid hypoplasia with atlantoaxial instability
- progressive kyphoscoliosis
- platyspondyly + very wide intervertebral spaces
- wedge- / keel-shaped vertebral bodies
- Pelvis
- coccygeal appendage similar to a tail (rare but CHARACTERISTIC)
- short squared iliac bones + irregular acetabula
- narrowed greater sciatic notch
Prognosis: compatible with life; increasing disability from kyphoscoliosis
DDx: achondroplasia, mucopolysaccharidoses