Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= rare dendritic cell disorder characterized by macrophage proliferation
Age: children and young adults; M >F; predilection for individuals of African descent
Histo:emperipolesis (= phagocytosis of lymphocytes, plasma cells, erythrocytes, PMNs) by histiocytes that show S100 positivity; negative for CD1a + Birbeck granules
[em, Greek= inside, peri = around, polemai = to wander about]
- Lymphadenopathy
- uptake of gallium and FDG by lymphadenopathy
- fever, elevated ESR, mild anemia
- nonspecific imaging appearance of painless lymphadenopathy
Location: cervical >retroperitoneal, mediastinal, axillary, inguinal - Extranodal disease (50%) in nearly every organ system
- Head
- intracranial lesions primarily in the epidural or subdural compartments
- orbital extraconal soft-tissue mass
- Neck
- enhancing polypoid masses / mucosal thickening of occasionally aggressive appearance
- salivary gland lymphoid hyperplasia
- Bone: commonly in skull, tibia, femur
- medullary multicentric lytic lesions ± sclerotic margin
- Lung mass
Prognosis: overall good with indolent clinical course ± spontaneous resolution