Anatomy of the Nervous System
[pinea, Latin = pine cone]
Development: diverticulum lined by ependyma at the most caudal portion of diencephalic roof of 3rd ventricle → area of ependymal thickening → evaginates into pinecone-shaped mass during 7th week GA
Function: secretion of melanin
- Regulation of long-term biologic rhythm (eg, onset of puberty)
- Regulation of short-term biologic rhythm (eg, diurnal / circadian) due to photoperiodic clues via accessory optic pathway
- lobules of pineocytes with dendritic processes (= specialized neuronal cells related to retinal rods and cones) make up 95% of population
- astrocytes as neuroglial supporting cells = 5% of population
- fibrovascular stroma
- corpora arenacea = concentric calcifications appear in adolescence (in 40% of patients 1729 years old)
[arenacea, Latin = sandy]
Location: midline
suspended from pineal stalk that is attached to upper aspect of posterior border of 3rd ventricle
- inferior to splenium + vein of Galen
- superior to tentorium + superior colliculi
- posterior to cistern of velum interpositum (= cistern of transverse fissure)
- surrounded by CSF of quadrigeminal cistern
Size: 1014 mm
- enhancement with contrast ← absence of blood-brain barrier