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Anatomy of the Nervous System

Function: (1) sensation to face

(2) motor innervation to muscles of mastication

Nuclei: (3 sensory + 1 motor nucleus)

  1. mesencephalic nucleus: proprioception extends to level of inferior colliculus

    Cranial Nerves

    IOlfactoryAnterior olfactory nucleusTransmits sense of smell; Located in olfactory foramina of ethmoid
    IIOpticLateral geniculate nucleusTransmits visual information to brain; Located in optic canal
    IIIOculomotorOculomotor nucleus, Edinger-Westphal nucleusInnervates levator palpebrae superioris, superior rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique; Located in superior orbital fissure
    IVTrochlearTrochlear nucleusInnervates superior oblique muscle; Located in superior orbital fissure
    VTrigeminalPrincipal sensory trigeminal nucl., Spinal trigeminal nucleus, Mesencephalic trigeminal nucl., Trigeminal motor nucleusReceives sensation from face and innervates muscles of mastication; Located in superior orbital fissure (ophthalmic branch), foramen rotundum (maxillary branch), and foramen ovale (mandibular branch)
    VIAbducensAbducens nucleusInnervates lateral rectus; Located in superior orbital fissure
    VIIFacialFacial nucleus, Solitary nucleus, Superior salivary nucleusProvides motor innervation to muscles of facial expression and stapedius, receives special sense of taste from anterior of tongue, and provides secretomotor innervation to salivary glands (except parotid) and lacrimal gland; Located and runs through internal acoustic canal to facial canal and exits at stylomastoid foramen
    VIIIVestibulocochlear ( vestibular + statoacustic n.)Vestibular nucleus, Cochlear nucleus.Senses sound, rotation and gravity; Located in internal acoustic canal
    IXGlossopharyngealNucleus ambiguus, Inferior salivary nucleus, Solitary nucleusReceives taste from posterior of tongue, provides secretomotor innervation to parotid gland, and provides motor innervation to stylopharyngeus (essential for tactile, pain, and thermal sensation). Sensation is relayed to opposite thalamus and some hypothalamic nuclei. Located in jugular foramen
    XVagusNucleus ambiguus, Dorsal motor vagal nucleus, Solitary nucleusSupplies branchiomotor innervation to most laryngeal and pharyngeal muscles; provides parasympathetic fibers to nearly all thoracic and abdominal viscera down to the splenic flexure; and receives special sense of taste from epiglottis. Major function: controls muscles for voice and resonance and soft palate. Located in jugular foramen
    XIAccessoryNucleus ambiguus, Spinal accessory nucleusControls muscles of neck and overlaps with functions of vagus; Located in jugular foramen
    XIIHypoglossalHypoglossal nucleusProvides motor innervation to muscles of tongue and other glossal muscles. Important for swallowing (bolus formation) and speech articulation. Located in hypoglossal canal
    mnemonic: On Old Olympus Towering Tops A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops

  2. main sensory nucleus: tactile sensation
  3. motor nucleus: motor innervation
  4. spinal nucleus: pain + temperature sensation extends to level of 2nd cervical vertebra

Location: tegmentum of lateral pons, along anterolateral aspect of 4th ventricle


  1. cisternal portion exits lateral pons traversing prepontine cistern before passing underneath the tentorium to enter the middle cranial fossa at the petrous apex
  2. preganglionic portion passes through porus trigeminus (= opening in dura) into the Meckel cave (trigeminal cistern), where it synapses with trigeminal (= gasserian / semilunar) ganglion
    Meckel cave: CSF-filled subarachnoid space formed by dura mater + leptomeninges at the most anteromedial portion of petrous pyramid
    Gasserian ganglion: contains cell bodies of sensory fibers except those for proprioception
  3. postganglionic portion trifurcation

Trifurcation into 3 principal branches:

  1. Ophthalmic nerve (V1)
    Course: travels within lateral cavernous sinus inferior to cranial nerve IV and superior to V2
    Exit: superior orbital fissure
    Supply: sensory innervation of scalp, forehead, nose, globe
    Division: lacrimal, frontal, nasociliary nn.
    • mediates afferent aspect of corneal reflex

  2. Maxillary nerve (V2)
    Course: travels within lateral cavernous sinus inferior to V1
    Exit: through foramen rotundum into pterygopalatine fossa
    Supply: sensory innervation of middle third of face, upper teeth
    Main trunk: infraorbital nerve
  3. Mandibular nerve (V3)
    Course: NOT through cavernous sinus
    Exit: from Meckel cave through foramen ovale into masticator space
    1. sensory innervation of lower third of face, tongue, floor of mouth, jaw
    2. motor innervation of muscles of mastication (masseter, temporalis, medial + lateral pterygoid), mylohyoid m., anterior belly of digastric m., tensor tympani m., tensor veli palatini m.

Exits from Meckel cave:

mnemonic:Standing Room Only

  • V1 = Superior orbital fissure
  • V2 = Foramen Rotundum
  • V3 = Foramen Ovale