Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= multisystemic zoonosis of worldwide distribution; endemic in Middle East (Arabian Peninsula), South and Central America, Mediterranean region (Spain, Italy)
Organism: small gram-negative nonmotile, nonsporing, aflagellate, nonencapsulated coccobacilli: Brucella abortus, B. suis, B. canis, B. melitensis
Mode of transmission:
- handling contaminated animal products (in excreta of infected animals like urine, stool, milk, products of conception) or consuming dairy products from unpasteurized milk
Histo: small intracellular pathogens cause small noncaseating granuloma within RES
Location: commonest site of involvement is reticuloendothelial system; musculoskeletal system
- 13 weeks between initial infection + symptoms
- Radiologic evidence of disease in 69% of symptomatic sites!
- Brucellar spondylitis (53% = most common site)
Age: 40 years is average age at onset
- pain, localized tenderness, radiculopathy, myelopathy
Location: lumbar (71%) >thoracolumbar (10%) >lumbosacral (8%) >cervical (7%) >thoracic (4%)
- focal form
- bone destruction at diskovertebral junction (anterior aspect of superior endplate)
- associated with bone sclerosis + anterior osteophyte formation + small amount of gas
- diffuse form: entire vertebral endplate / whole vertebral body affected with spread to adjacent disks + vertebral bodies
- bone destruction associated with sclerosis
- small amount of disk gas (2530%)
- facet joint involvement
- obliteration of paraspinal muscle-fat planes
- paraspinal abscess (smaller than in TB)
- no / minimal epidural extension
DDx: TB (paraspinal abscess, gibbus)
- Extraspinal disease
- Brucellar synovitis (81%)
Location: knee >sacroiliac joint >shoulder >hip >sternoclavicular joint >ankle >elbow
Site: organism localized in synovial membrane
- serosanguinous sterile joint effusion
- Brucellar destructive arthritis (9%)
- indistinguishable from tuberculous / pyogenic arthritis
- Brucellar osteomyelitis (2%)
- pain, tenderness, swelling
- Brucellar myositis (2%)
Dx: serologic tests (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, counterimmunoelectrophoresis, rose bengal plate test
Rx: combination of aminoglycosides + tetracyclines
DDx: fibrous dysplasia, benign tumor, osteoid osteoma