Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= rare sporadic syndrome without known chromosomal / biochemical markers; M÷F = 1÷1
- small stature; mental, motor, language retardation
- Characteristic facies
- beaked / straight nose ± low nasal septum
- antimongoloid slant of palpebral fissures
- epicanthic folds; broad fleshy nasal bridge
- high-arched palate; dental abnormalities
- Ophthalmologic findings
- strabismus, ptosis, refractive errors
- Cutaneous findings
- keloids, hirsutism, simian crease
- flat capillary hemangioma on forehead / neck
- Musculoskeletal findings
- short broad spatulate terminal phalanges of thumb and great toe ± angulation deformity (MOST CONSISTENT + CHARACTERISTIC FINDING)
- radial angulation of distal phalanx (50%) caused by trapezoid / delta shape of proximal phalanx
- tufted mushroom-shaped fingers + webbing
- thin tubular bones of hand + feet
- club feet
- retarded skeletal maturation
- dysplastic ribs
- spina bifida occulta
- scoliosis
- flat acetabular angle + flaring of ilia
- Genitourinary tract anomalies
- bilateral renal duplication
- renal agenesis
- bifid ureter
- incomplete / delayed descent of testes
- Cardiovascular abnormalities
- atrial septal defect
- patent ductus arteriosus
- coarctation of aorta
- valvular aortic stenosis
- pulmonic stenosis
- decreased head circumference
- small for gestational age
Cx in infancy: obstipation, feeding problems, recurrent upper respiratory infection