Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= focal dermal hypoplasia
= X-linked dominant connective tissue genodermatosis
Genetics: defect in PORCN gene encoding a key protein involved in developmental Wnt signaling pathway
- soft red-yellow nodules in linear arrangement = fat herniating through hypoplastic dermis; short stature
Location: antecubital + popliteal fossa - characteristic asymmetric erythematous / hyperpigmented / hypopigmented atrophic linear streaks:
- ± telangiectasia (often) ± superficially erosions + ulcers
Age: present at birth
- scoliosis
- generalized osteopenia
- osteopathia striata = bilateral symmetric vertical metaphyseal striations of long bones with sparing of vertebrae and ilia
- skeletal defects:
Location: hand, foot (60%)
- lobster claw deformity = split hands and feet
- clinodactyly, oligodactyly, polydactyly, syndactyly
- regional asymmetric underdevelopment
- spina bifida
- rib and clavicular abnormalities