Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= Synovitis, Acne, Palmoplantar pustulosis, Hyperostosis, Osteitis
= association of sterile osteoarticular inflammation with skin abnormalities (palmoplantar pustulosis + severe acne)
◊Delay of several years can separate osseous from cutaneous lesions! Many patients have endured years of consultations and unnecessary invasive procedures before receiving the correct diagnosis!
Etiology: ? variant of psoriasis, exaggerated immune response in genetically susceptible individuals to Propionibacterium acnes
Age: young to middle-aged adults; M÷F = 1÷1
Histo: osteolytic portion of bone lesion contains plasma cells
- palmoplantar pustulosis (52%) = chronic eruption of yellowish intradermal sterile 24 mm monomorphic pustules limited to palms + soles
- acute severe acne (15%) = acne fulminans, acne conglobata, hidradenitis suppurativa → sudden eruption of highly inflammatory tender ulcerative nodules + plaques with hemorrhagic crust on face, back, chest
Organism: Propionibacterium acnes (= anaerobe typically found in acne lesions)
- blood + bone cultures usually negative
- chronic relapsing-remitting course with pain, soft-tissue swelling, limitation of motion at skeletal site of involvement (most often in anterior chest wall) ± fever
± elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate + C-reactive protein - rheumatoid factor negative + human leukocyte antigen (HLA)B27 positive = seronegative spondyloarthropathy
- bone sclerosis combined with variable degree of osteolysis and periostitis:
- medullary trabecular changes = osteitis
- cortical hyperostosis in long-standing disease
- accompanied by adjacent inflammatory arthritis ± enthesitis + ankylosis
Bone scintigraphy:
- often reveals asymptomatic skeletal lesions
- Sternoclavicular joint (7090%)
Age: adulthood + childhood
Site: manubrium sterni, insertion of costoclavicular ligament, clavicles with mediolateral progression
- osteolysis at beginning of disease
- hyperostosis + osteosclerosis later in disease
- ankylosis of sternoclavicular joint
- DIAGNOSTIC costoclavicular enthesopathy + small hyperostotic foci at sternal end of 1st ribs
NUC (bone scintigraphy):
- bull's head sign = increased radiotracer uptake in manubrium + both sternoclavicular joints (HIGHLY SPECIFIC)
- Axial skeleton (33%)
Age: adulthood
- homogeneous osteosclerosis / osteolysis of one / more vertebral bodies (usually monovertebral) → collapse
- disk space narrowing + endplate erosion (mimicking infectious spondylodiskitis)
- sclerosis + expansion (mimicking Paget disease)
- asymmetric bulky paravertebral ossification + sacroiliitis (mimicking psoriatic arthritis):
- paravertebral ossifications (mimicking marginal / nonmarginal syndesmophytes / massive bridging)
- unilateral sacroiliitis + associated osteosclerosis of adjacent iliac bone
- focal / diffuse marrow signal abnormality with enhancement (= edema / osteitis)
- hyperintense paravertebral soft-tissue swelling
- endplate irregularities + CHARACTERISTIC anterior vertebral body corner erosion at multiple levels
- increased disk signal intensity on T2WI
- disk enhancement after contrast administration
DDx: infectious spondylitis (abscess, epidural involvement, single level of involvement) - Appendicular skeleton (30%)
Age: childhood
- chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (misnomer)
Location: distal femur, proximal tibia, fibula, humerus, radius, ulna, rib
Site: metaphysis
- osteosclerosis / osteolysis + periosteal new bone formation + bone expansion with aggressive appearance
- Joints
Location: knee, hip, ankle, DIP of hand
- synovial inflammation with juxtaarticular osteoporosis (early)
- joint narrowing, marginal erosion, hyperostosis, enthesopathy (later)
Prognosis: chronic course with unpredictable exacerbations + remissions
Dx: sterile culture of osseous lesion
Rx: nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, methotrexate, tumor necrosis factor α inhibitor, analgesics, cyclosporine
DDx: infectious osteomyelitis / spondylitis, chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis, osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma, metastasis, Paget disease, aseptic necrosis of clavicle