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Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders

= rare small benign hamartoma of digits

Origin: cells derived from neuromyoarterial apparatus (responsible for thermoregulation in skin)

Glomus body = encapsulated oval organ of 300 µm length; located in reticular dermis (= deepest layer of skin); concentrated in tips of digits (93–501/cm2)

Components: afferent arteriole, tortuous arteriovenous anastomosis with an anastomotic vessel (= Sucquet-Hoyer canal lined by endothelium + surrounded by smooth muscle fibers), system of collecting veins, intraglomerular neurovascular reticulum + capsule

Histo: endothelium-lined vascular spaces surrounded by masses of round epitheloid cells with tendency toward spindle form

Subtypes: (a) vascular (b) myxoid (c) solid form

Prevalence: 1–5% of soft-tissue tumors of hand

Age: mostly in 4th–5th decade; M÷F = 1÷1

Location: highly concentrated in digits (75% of glomus tumors)

Site: subungual space (65%); multiple tumors in 2.3%


  1. Mucoid cyst (painless, in proximal nail fold, communicating with DIP joint, associated with osteoarthritis)
  2. Angioma (more superficially located)