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Anatomy of the Nervous System

Total volume: 50 mL in newborn, 150 mL in adult

Composition: inorganic salts like those in plasma, traces of protein + glucose

Production: 0.3–0.4 mL/min resulting in 500 mL/day; secreted into ventricles by choroid plexuses (80–90%), 10–20% from parenchyma of cerebrum and spinal cord


from ventricles through foramina of Magendie + Luschka of 4th ventricle into cisterna magna + basilar cisterns; 80% of CSF flows initially into suprasellar cistern + cistern of lamina terminalis, ambient / superior cerebellar cisterns eventually ascending over superolateral aspects of each hemisphere; 20% initially enters spinal subarachnoid space + eventually recirculates into cerebral subarachnoid space

Absorption: into venous system by

  1. arachnoid villi of superior sagittal sinus (villi behave as one-way valves with an opening pressure between 20–50 mm of CSF)
  2. cranial + spinal nerves with eventual absorption by lymphatics (50%)
  3. prelymphatic channels of capillaries within brain parenchyma
  4. vertebral venous plexuses, intervertebral veins, posterior intercostal + upper lumbar veins into azygos + hemiazygos veins

Opening pressure: 80–180 mm H2O

Cerebral Aqueduct

pulsatile flow ( brain motion during cardiac cycle) + net outflow into 4th ventricle; diameter of 2.6–4.2 mm; peak outflow velocity of 6–51 mm/sec; inflow velocity of 3–28 mm/sec