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Nervous System Disorders

= rare genetic disorder affecting cerebellum

Genetics: autosomal recessive disorder with 25% recurrence risk; >8 causative gene mutations

Systemic involvement:

Related disorders:

COACH (cerebellar vermis hypoplasia / aplasia, oligophrenia, ataxia, ocular coloboma, hepatic fibrosis) syndrome

CORS (cerebello-oculo-renal syndrome)

OFD6 (oro-facial-digital syndrome type 6)


  1. nearly total aplasia of cerebellar vermis
  2. dysplasia + heterotopia of cerebellar nuclei
  3. near total absence of pyramidal decussation
  4. anomalies in structure of inferior olivary nuclei, descending trigeminal tract, solitary fascicle, dorsal column nuclei

Prognosis: renal + hepatic disease responsible for mortality

DDx: Dandy-Walker malformation