Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= benign cartilaginous tumor with predilection for growing skeleton
Frequency: 1% of primary bone neoplasms (700 cases in world literature)
Age: peak in 2nd decade (range, 859 years); 1026 years (90%); M÷F = 2÷1; occurs before cessation of enchondral bone growth
Path: derived from primitive cartilage cells
Histo: polyhedral chondroblasts + reactive multinucleated giant cells + nodules of pink amorphous material (= chondroid) = epiphyseal chondromatous giant cell tumor (resembles chondromyxoid fibroma); chicken wire calcification of matrix = pericellular deposition of calcification is virtually PATHOGNOMONIC
- symptomatic for months to years prior to treatment
- mild joint pain, tenderness, swelling (joint effusion)
- limitation of motion
- long bones (80%): proximal femur + greater trochanter (23%), distal femur (20%), proximal tibia (17%), proximal humerus (17%)
- ⅔in lower extremity, 50% about knee
- may occur in apophyses (minor + greater trochanter, patella, greater tuberosity of humerus)
- flat bones: near triradiate cartilage of innominate bone, rib (3%), vertebral body & posterior elements (1.4%)
- short tubular bones of hand + feet
Site: eccentric medullary, subarticular location with open growth plate (98% begin within epiphysis); tumor growth may continue to involve metaphysis (50%) + rarely diaphysis
- oval / round eccentrically placed lytic lesion of epiphysis
- 14 cm in diameter occupying <½ of epiphysis
- well-defined sclerotic margin, lobulated in 50%
- stippled / irregular calcifications in 253050% (cartilaginous clumps better visualized by CT)
- intact scalloped cortical border
- thick periosteal reaction in metaphysis (50%) / joint involvement
- periostitis of adjacent metaphysis / diaphysis (3050%)
- growth plate open in majority of patients
- MR tends to overestimate extent + aggressiveness ← large area of reactive edema!
- intermediate to low SI on T2WI relative to fat ← immature chondroid matrix, hypercellularity, calcifications, hemosiderin
- extensive intramedullary signal abnormalities ← bone marrow edema
- peripheral rim of very low signal intensity
- hypointense changes on T1WI + hyperintense on T2WI in adjacent soft tissues (← muscle edema in 50%)
- ± joint effusion
Prognosis: almost always benign; may become locally aggressive; rarely metastasizes
Dx: surgical biopsy
Rx: curettage + bone chip grafting (recurrence in 25%)
- Ischemic necrosis of femoral head (may be indistinguishable, more irregular configuration)
- Giant cell tumor (usually larger + less well demarcated, not calcified, older age group with closed growth plate)
- Chondromyxoid fibroma
- Enchondroma
- Osteomyelitis (less well-defined, variable margins)
- Aneurysmal bone cyst
- Intraosseous ganglion
- Langerhans cell histiocytosis (less well-defined, variable margins)
- Primary bone sarcoma