Nervous System Disorders
= smooth brain = most severe of neuronal migration anomalies; autosomal recessive disease with abnormal cortical stratification
agyria = absence of gyri on brain surface
pachygyria = focal / diffuse area of few broad flat gyri
most frequently parietooccipital in location - INCOMPLETE LISSENCEPHALY
= areas of both agyria + pachygyria, pachygyric areas most frequently in frontal + temporal regions
Histo: thick gray + thin white matter with only four cortical layers I, III, V, VI (instead of six layers)
Often associated with:
- CNS anomalies: microcephaly, hydrocephalus, agenesis of corpus callosum, hypoplastic thalami
- micromelia, clubfoot, polydactyly, camptodactyly, syndactyly, duodenal atresia, micrognathia, omphalocele, hepatosplenomegaly, cardiac + renal anomalies
- microencephaly, severe mental retardation
- hypotonia + occasional myoclonic spasm
- early seizures refractory to medication
- smooth thickened cortex with diminished white matter
- figure-eight appearance of cerebrum on axial images ← shallow widened vertically oriented sylvian fissures
- absent / shallow sulci and gyri (brain looks similar to that in fetuses of <23 weeks GA)
- middle cerebral arteries close to inner table of calvarium ← absence of sulci
- small splenium + absent rostrum of corpus callosum
- hypoplastic brainstem ← lack of formation of corticospinal + corticobulbar tracts
- ventriculomegaly (affecting atrium + occipital horns)
- midline round calcification in area of septum pellucidum (CHARACTERISTIC)
- polyhydramnios (50%)
Prognosis: death by age 2
DDx: polymicrogyria (= formation of multiple small gyri mimicking pachygyria on CT + MR, most common around sylvian fissures, broad thickened gyri with frequent gliosis subjacent to polymicrogyric cortex as the most important differentiating feature)