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Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders

[acantha, Greek =thorn, sharp spiny structure]

= rare benign neoplasm characterized by localized proliferation of squamous epithelium and central keratinized crater

Cause: exposure to sunlight, coal tar, other chemical carcinogens, trauma, immunocompromised state, vaccination, arterial puncture, burns

Path: keratin fills a central tumor crater; surrounding overhanging edges of normal epidermis

Histo: marked acanthosis (= diffuse thickening of stratum spinosum) + hyperkeratosis; proliferation of large squamous cells with glassy cytoplasm

Maybe associated with: eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, xeroderma pigmentosum

Peak age: 5th decade; M >F


Prognosis: spontaneous involution within 12 months leaving a small pitted scar

Cx: malignant transformation to squamous cell carcinoma

Subungual Keratoacanthoma

= rare usually painful destructive variant of keratoacanthoma

  • rapidly growing painful mass beneath nail

Location: nail bed


  • well-circumscribed mass of mixed echogenicity
  • posterior acoustic enhancement + cortical erosion

Prognosis: spontaneous involution uncommon

DDx: squamous cell carcinoma (radiologically indistinguishable, older patient, slow growing, histologically aggressive, ulceration, numerous mitoses, marked pleomorphism, anaplasia)