Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= rare familial metabolic disorder characterized by solitary or multiple painless, periarticular masses
= disease with progressive large nodular juxtaarticular calcified soft-tissue masses in patients with normal serum calcium and phosphorus + NO evidence of renal, metabolic, or collagen-vascular disease
Etiology: autosomal dominant (⅓) with variable clinical expressivity; unknown biochemical defect of phosphorus metabolism → abnormal phosphate reabsorption + 1,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D formation
Path: multilocular cystic lesions with creamy white fluid (calcium hydroxyapatite crystals with amorphous calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate) + many giant cells (granulomatous foreign body reaction) surrounded by fibrous capsule
Associated with: hyperostosis, diaphysitis, pseudoxanthoma elasticum
Age: onset mostly within 1st / 2nd decade (range of 179 years); M÷F = 1÷1; predominantly in Blacks
- progressive painful / painless soft-tissue mass with overlying skin ulceration + sinus tract draining chalky milklike fluid
- prominent dental abnormalities
- swelling; limitation of motion
- hyperphosphatemia + ↓ fractional phosphate excretion
- hypervitaminosis D (↑ 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D formation)
- normal serum calcium, alkaline phosphatase, renal function, parathyroid hormone
- Soft tissue
Location: hip (greater trochanteric bursa) >elbow >shoulder >foot, rib, ischial spine, wrist; single / multiple joints; ALMOST NEVER knees
Distribution: periarticular; usually along extensor surface of joints (? initially a calcific bursitis)
- amorphous cystic multilobulated homogeneously calcified soft-tissue mass of 120 cm in size
- underlying bones NORMAL without erosion / osseous destruction
- periosteal reaction ← bone marrow involvement
- patchy areas of increased attenuation
- cystic appearance with radiolucent septa (= connective tissue)
- sedimentation sign = fluid-fluid levels with milk-of-calcium consistency
- ↑tracer uptake of soft-tissue mass on bone scan
- inhomogeneous high SI on T2WI (in spite of large amount of calcium) of 2 distinctive patterns:
- diffuse lower-signal-intensity pattern
- bright nodular pattern with alternating areas of high signal intensity and signal void
- inhomogeneous lesion with low SI on T1WI
- Bone
- diaphyseal periosteal reaction (diaphysitis)
- patchy areas of calcification in medullary cavity (= calcific myelitis)
- increased uptake on bone scintigraphy
- Teeth
- bulbous root enlargement
- pulp stones = intrapulp calcifications
- Pseudoxanthoma elasticum-like features
- calcinosis cutis = skin calcifications
- vascular calcifications
- angioid streaks of retina
- Eye
- angioid streaks / corneal calcification deposits
Prognosis: tendency for recurrence after incomplete excision
Rx: phosphate depletion
DDx: Chronic renal failure on hemodialysis, calcinosis universalis, calcinosis circumscripta, calcific tendonitis, CPPD, paraosteoarthropathy, hyperparathyroidism