Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= rare autosomal-dominant disorder characterized by symmetrical meso- and ectodermal anomalies
Etiology: ? enzymatic defect in collagen metabolism
Genetics: mutation of LMX1B gene encoding a transcription factor important to development of kidneys + limbs, particularly embryologically dorsal limb structures including nail + patella
Age: evident in 2nd + 3rd decades
- Diagnosed only late in life (if at all)!
- bilateral spooning / splitting / ridging of fingernails
- abnormal gait; abnormal pigmentation of iris
- renal dysfunction ← abnormal glomerular basement membrane: proteinuria, hematuria, failure later in life
- 4 key features:
- Nail abnormality (98%):
Site: 1st5th digit (in decreasing order of frequency)
- absent / hypoplastic / split nails
- hypoplasia of both thumbnails
- PATHOGNOMONIC triangular lunula
- lack of skin creases over dorsum of DIP joints
- Patella abnormality (74%):
- fragmentation / hypoplasia / absence of patella
- recurrent lateral dislocations (frequent)
- squared appearance of knees upon genuflection ← lateral subluxation
Cx: knee joint instability, restriction, pain, arthritis
- PATHOGNOMONIC bilateral posterior iliac horns (= conical exostosis) in 6880%
- occasionally capped by an epiphysis
Site: at attachment of gluteus medius to posterior iliac wing
- Elbow abnormality (33%):
- pterygia = skin webs → restricted range of motion / dislocation
- radial head / capitellum hypoplasia with subluxation / dislocation of radial head dorsally and increased carrying angle of elbow (DDx: congenital dislocation of radial head)
- flared iliac crest with protuberant anterior iliac spines
- flexion contractures of hip, knee, elbow, fingers, foot with inability of full extension
- deltoid, triceps, quadriceps hypoplasia
- mandibular cysts (occasionally)
- scoliosis
- Hand
- clinodactyly of 5th finger
- short 5th metacarpal
- Knee
- genu valgum ← asymmetrical development of femoral condyles
- prominent tibial tubercles
- Kidney
- accelerated age-related decline in renal function
- mild proteinuria (nephrotic-range in 510%)
- renal osteodystrophy
Cx: renal failure and death
- Eye
- Seckel syndrome = bird-headed dwarfism
- Popliteal pterygium syndrome (absence of patella, toenail dysplasia)