Skull and Spine Disorders
Incidence: ~ 1.8÷100,000 annually; 0.22.8÷10,000 hospital admissions annually
Organism: Staphylococcus aureus including methicillin-resistant S aureus (⅔ of cases); rarely fungus / parasite / mycobacterium
- hematogenous (50%):
- urinary tract infection (Escherichia coli)
- pneumonia (Streptococcus pneumoniae)
- prior soft-tissue / skin infection (S epidermidis)
- IV drug abuse (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
- contiguous infection from adjacent structures (33%):
- vertebral osteomyelitis, diskitis
- psoas abscess
- iatrogenic / penetrating trauma to spine:
- invasive procedure on spine + nearby structures (Staphylococcus epidermidis)
At risk: acquired immunosuppressive / immunodeficiency disorder, drug addiction, cancer, alcoholism, systemic inflammation / infection, liver disease, diabetes, trauma, surgical procedure involving spine / surrounding structures
Age:>20 years (range, 10 days to 87 years); M÷F = 1.7÷1
- classic triad:
- localized severe back pain (70%) → radicular pain
- fever, leukocytosis (60%)
- neurologic disease (30%): fecal / urinary incontinence with motor / sensory deficit → eventual rapid irreversible neurologic deterioration
Location: thoracic spine (50%)
Site: dorsolateral spanning multiple vertebral levels
Category: (a) focal ≤5 vertebrae (b) diffuse >5 vertebrae
May be associated with:
- Osteomyelitis
- Diskitis
- Paravertebral abscess
N.B.:NO myelography! → may seed infection into subarachnoid space
- ± effacement of epidural fat + subarachnoid space
- thickening of epidural tissues (early stage):
- isointense on T1WI
- moderately hyperintense on T2WI
- liquefied abscess cavity oval-shaped on axial images:
- hypointense on T1WI + hyperintense on T2WI
- hyperintense at DWI + reduced apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) ← restricted diffusion
- diffuse heterogeneous / homogeneous enhancement (= phlegmonous infection with microabscesses)
- peripheral enhancement of varying thickness around a central pus collection
- cellulitis surrounding abscess ← inflamed hypervascular tissue (best seen on fat-suppressed CEMR)
- linear enhancement along compressed dura mater (in only 75% of diffuse spinal epidural abscess)
- engorgement of epidural / basivertebral veins (best seen on sagittal images)