Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= degenerative / reactive fibrous pseudotumor forming as a reaction to chronic mechanical friction
Frequency: in 24% of women + 11% of men >55 years (autopsy study); in 2% of CT population
Average age: 60 (range, 4180) years; M÷F = 1÷4
Histo: enlarged irregular serrated elastic hypereosinophilic fibers, collagen, scattered fibroblasts, occasional lobules of adipose tissue; lack of capsule
Location: deep to serratus anterior + latissimus dorsi mm. at inferomedial border of scapula; R >L; bilateral in 1066%
in <1% at: greater trochanter, olecranon, thoracic wall
PET: incidental finding
Rx: local excision for symptomatic lesions
DDx: extraabdominal desmoid, neurofibroma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma