Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
[Harry Fitch Klinefelter, Jr. (19121990), American rheumatologist and endocrinologist at Johns Hopkins Medical School]
47,XXY (rarely XXYY) chromosomal abnormality
Frequency: 1÷750 live births (probably commonest chromosomal aberration)
- testicular atrophy (hyalinization of seminiferous tubules) = small / absent testes, sterility (azoospermia)
- eunuchoid constitution: gynecomastia; paucity of hair on face + chest; female pubic escutcheon; mild mental retardation
- high level of urinary gonadotropins + low level of 17-ketosteroids after puberty
- NO distinctive radiological findings!
- may have delayed bone maturation
- failure of frontal sinus to develop
- small bridged sella turcica
- ± scoliosis, kyphosis
- ± coxa valga
- ± metacarpal sign (short 4th metacarpal)
- accessory epiphyses of 2nd metacarpal bilaterally
Cx: breast cancer (3% risk + 20-fold increase in incidence due to elevated estrogen÷androgen ratio)
47,XXX = Superfemale Syndrome
- usually over 6 feet tall; subnormal intelligence; frequently antisocial behavior