Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders
= autosomal recessive acromesomelic dwarfism
Prevalence: 120 cases; in inbred Amish communities
Associated with: congenital heart disease in 50% (single atrium, ASD, VSD)
- ectodermal dysplasia:
- scant / fine hair
- absent / hypoplastic brittle spoon-shaped nails
- irregular + pointed dysplastic teeth, partial anodontia, teeth may be present at birth
- congenital heart disease
- obliteration of maxillary mucobuccal space (thick frenula between alveolar mucosa + upper lip); strabismus
- genital malformations: epispadia, hypospadia, hypoplastic external genitalia, undescended testicles
- hepatosplenomegaly
- accelerated skeletal maturation
- normal spine
- Skull
- Chest
- elongated narrow thorax in AP + transverse dimensions exaggerating cardiac size
- cardiomegaly ← frequently ASD / single atrium
- short horizontal ribs + anterior osseous expansion → barrel-shaped chest
- elevated clavicles
- Pelvis
- small flattened ilium
- trident morphology of acetabular roof = indentation in roof + bony spur (almost PATHOGNOMONIC)
- acetabular + tibial exostoses
- Extremities
- variety of micromelia (= thickening + mild shortening of all long bones):
- acromelia = hypoplasia / absence of terminal phalanges
- mesomelia = shortening of forearms + lower legs (radius + tibia >humerus + femur)
- cone-shaped epiphyses
- premature ossification of proximal humeral + femoral epiphyses
- Upper extremity
- drumstick forearm = swelling of proximal end of ulna + distal end of radius
- anterior dislocation of radial head ← shortening of ulna
- carpal / tarsal fusion = frequent fusion of two / more carpal (hamate + capitate) + tarsal bones (after complete ossification)
- supernumerary carpal bones
- postaxial polydactyly common (usually finger, rarely toe) ± syndactyly of hands + feet
- Lower extremity
- genu valgum:
- slanting of proximal tibial metaphysis (← delayed development of tibial plateau)
- excessive shortening of fibula
- widening of proximal tibial shaft
- medial tibial diaphyseal exostosis
- proportional shortening of long bones
- small thorax with decreased circumference
- increased cardiothoracic ratio
- polydactyly
Prognosis: death within first month of life in 3350% ← respiratory / cardiac complications
DDx: asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia (difficult distinction); rhizomelic achondroplasia