Skull and Spine Disorders
- Trauma (71%)
- vertebral fracture / dislocation
- traumatic lumbar puncture
- spine surgery (0.13%)
- Hypertension
- Pregnancy
- Vertebral hemangioma
- Bleeding diathesis / anticoagulation / hemophilia
- Idiopathic (45%)
Pathophysiology: tearing of epidural veins
Mean age: 4152 years
- acute radicular pain; rapid onset of paraplegia
Location: cervical >thoracic >lumbar spine
Site: anterior / posterior to cord
- spinal cord compression
- high attenuation lesion on CT
- iso- / hyperintense on T1WI + hyperintense on T2WI compared to spinal cord (intensities quite variable)
- strikingly low SI on gradient-echo sequences ← deoxyhemoglobin
Rx: conservative management