Nervous System Disorders
= mesodermal defect of calvarial suture + dura with extracranial extension (= herniation) of intracranial structures and persistent connection to subarachnoid space
Cranial meningocele: = herniation of meninges + CSF only
Encephalocele = herniation of meninges
(Meningoencephalocele) + CSF + neural tissue
Nomenclature: based on origin of their roof + floor
eg, frontonasal: frontal bone = roof, nasal bone = floor
14÷10,000 live births; 5620% of all craniospinal malformations; predominant neural axis anomaly in fetuses spontaneously aborted <20 weeks GA; 3% of fetal anomalies detected with MS-AFP screening; 6% of all detected neural tube defects in fetuses
failure of surface ectoderm to separate from neuroectoderm early in embryonic development (3rd week GA)
- Skull base
- faulty closure of neural tube (without mesenchyme membranous cranial bone cannot develop)
- failure of basilar ossification centers to unite
- Calvarium
- defective induction of bone
- pressure erosion of bone by intracranial mass / cyst
In 60% associated with:
- Spina bifida (730%)
- Corpus callosum dys- / agenesis
- Chiari malformation
- Dandy-Walker malformation
- Cerebellar hypoplasia
- Amniotic band syndrome: multiple irregular asymmetric off-midline encephaloceles
- Migrational abnormalities
- Chromosomal anomalies in 44% (trisomy 18)
- MS-AFP elevated in 3% (skin-covered in 60%)
- CSF rhinorrhea; meningitis
Prognosis: dependent on associated malformations + size and content of lesion; 21% liveborn; 50% survival of liveborns, 74% retarded
- The larger the brain volume the poorer the outcome
Risk of recurrence: 3% (25% with Meckel syndrome)
DDx: teratoma, cystic hygroma, iniencephaly, scalp edema, hemangioma, branchial cleft cyst, cloverleaf skull
Occipital Encephalocele (75%)
Most common encephalocele in Western Hemisphere
Associated with:
- Meckel-Gruber syndrome
= occipital encephalocele + microcephaly + cystic dysplastic kidneys + polydactyly - Dandy-Walker malformation
- Chiari malformation
- Callosal + migrational anomalies
Location: supra- and infratentorial structures involved with equal frequency
- skull defect (visualized in 80%)
- flattening of basiocciput
- ventriculomegaly
- lemon sign = inward depression of frontal bones (33%)
- cyst-within-a-cyst (ventriculocele = herniation of 4th ventricle into cephalocele)
- acute angle between mass + skin line of neck and occiput
DDx: cystic hygroma
Sincipital Encephalocele (1315%)
Most common variety in Southeast Asian population
Location: midface about dorsum of nose, orbits, and forehead
Cause: failure of anterior neuropore located near optic recess to close normally at 4th week GA
- Nasofrontal (4060%)
= herniation of dura mater through foramen cecum + fonticulus frontalis
Site: along nasal bridge between nasofrontal sutures into glabella - Nasoethmoidal (30%)
= persistent herniation of dural diverticulum through foramen cecum into prenasal space
Site: between nasal bone + nasal cartilage (beneath nasal bone + above nasal septum) - Naso-orbital
Site: between maxilla + lacrimal bone (= along medial orbit at level of frontal process of maxilla and ethmoid-lacrimal bone junction)
Common root: foramen cecum (= small ostium anterior to crista galli formed by closure of frontal + ethmoid bones)
Associated with: midline craniofacial dysraphism (dysgenesis of corpus callosum, interhemispheric lipoma, anomalies of neural migration, facial cleft, schizencephaly)
- obvious nonprogressive pulsatile mass
- broad nasal root, hypertelorism, nasal stuffiness, rhinorrhea
- change in size during crying / Valsalva maneuver
- positive Fürstenberg test = change in size during jugular compression
- soft-tissue mass extending to glabella / nasal cavity
- pedunculated intranasal mass extending from superomedial nasal cavity downward
- enlarged foramen cecum
- widened interorbital distance
- bifid / absent crista galli
- absent cribriform plate / frontal bone
- isointense relative to gray matter
- may be hyperintense on T2WI (due to gliosis)
N.B.: biopsy is CONTRAINDICATED (→ potential for CSF leaks, seizures, meningitis)
Risk of recurrence: 6% of congenital CNS abnormalities for younger siblings
Rx: complete surgical resection with repair of dura mater (NO neurologic deficit due to abnormal function of herniated brain)
- Dacryocystocele / nasolacrimal mucocele
- Nasal glioma (no subarachnoid connection on cisternography)
Sphenoidal Encephalocele (10%)
Age: present at end of 1st decade of life
- clinically occult ← internal protrusion
- mass in nasal cavity, nasopharynx, mouth, posterior portion of orbit increasing with Valsalva
- mouth breathing due to nasopharyngeal obstruction
- diminished visual acuity with hypoplasia of optic disks
- hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction
Associated with: agenesis of corpus callosum (80%)
- transethmoidal = through midline cribriform plate
- sphenoethmoidal = through sphenoid + ethmoid
- trans-sphenoidal = through floor of sella may be associated with: cleft palate
- displacement of cavernous sinus (laterally), pituitary gland, hypothalamus, optic nerves, chiasm
- frontosphenoidal
- sphenopharyngeal = through sphenoid body
- sphenoorbital = through superior orbital fissure
- sphenomaxillary = through maxillary sinus
Parietal Encephalocele (1012%)
Associated with: dysgenesis of corpus callosum, large interhemispheric cyst
- hole in sphenoid bone (seen on submentovertex film)
- cranium bifidum = cranioschisis = split cranium (= skull defect) = smooth opening with well-defined sclerotic rim of cortical bone
- hydrocephalus in 1580% (from associated aqueductal stenosis, Arnold-Chiari malformation, Dandy-Walker cyst)
- nonenhancing expansile homogeneous paracranial mass
- mantle of cerebral tissue often difficult to image in encephalocele (except with MR)
- intracranial communication often not visualized
- metrizamide / radionuclide ventriculography DIAGNOSTIC
- microcephaly (20%)
- polyhydramnios
- sonographic refraction artifact at skull edge
- clover leaf skull (± temporal bone partially absent)