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Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders

[Maurice Klippel (1858–1942), neurologist and psychiatrist, general medicine chief at Hôpital Tenon in Paris, France]

[Paul Trénaunay (1875–????), neurologist in Paris, France]

= rare sporadic (nonhereditary) combined capillary-venous malformation of trunk + extremities in association with limb overgrowth characterized by a triad of:

  1. Port-wine nevus = unilateral large flat infiltrative cutaneous capillary malformation often in dermatomal distribution of affected limb; may fade in 2nd–3rd decade
  2. Congenital varicose veins / venous malformation affecting superficial + deep venous system = megaveins on lateral aspect of affected limb; usually ipsilateral to capillary malformation
    1. superficial venous system: ectasia of small veins, persistent embryologic veins, large venous malformations
    2. deep venous system:” aneurysmal dilatation, aplasia, hypoplasia, duplications, venous incompetence
  3. Gigantism = overgrowth of distal digits / entire extremity (especially during adolescent growth spurt) involving soft-tissue + bone (most variable of the 3 classic features)

VARIANT:Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome = associated with (4) arteriovenous fistula

Incidence:>1,000 cases reported


failure of regression of large caliber superficial lateral venous channel at 6 weeks GA (= fetal lateral limb bud vein) varicosity impaired venous return tissue overgrowth

Age: usually manifest at birth; M÷F = 1÷1

Associated with:

Location: one lower limb in 75–95% (10–15 x more common than upper extremity); bilateral in <5%; lower limb ± upper limb; extension into trunk may occur

CT / MR:


Color Doppler US:


Cx: stasis dermatitis, thrombophlebitis, cellulitis, deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, infected lymphangitis ± sepsis, bloody stool, hematuria, epistaxis, Kasabach-Merritt syndrome (= consumptive coagulopathy)


  1. conservative: application of graded compressive stockings, pneumatic compression devices, percutaneous sclerosis of localized venous malformations / superficial varicosities
  2. surgical: epiphysiodesis, excision of soft-tissue hypertrophy, vein stripping, life-threatening bleeding


  1. Parkes-Weber syndrome congenital persistence of multiple microscopic AV fistulas + spectrum of Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome (pulsatility, thrill, bruit)
  2. Neurofibromatosis (café-au-lait spots, axillary freckling, cutaneous neurofibromas, macrodactyly plexiform neurofibromas, wavy cortical reaction, early fusion of growth plate, limb hypertrophy not as extensive / bilateral)
  3. Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (aniridia, macroglossia, cryptorchidism, Wilms tumor, broad metaphyses, thickened long-bone cortex, advanced bone age, periosteal new-bone formation, hemihypertrophy)
  4. Macrodystrophia lipomatosis (hyperlucency of fat, distal phalanges most commonly affected, overgrowth ceases with puberty, usually limited to digits)
  5. Maffucci syndrome (cavernous hemangiomas, soft tissue hypertrophy, phleboliths, multiple enchondromas)
  6. Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita
  7. Servelle-Martorell syndrome