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Bone and Soft-Tissue Disorders


  1. Anemia:
    1. Sickle cell disease
    2. Thalassemia
    3. Hereditary spherocytosis
    4. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobulinuria
  2. Chronic / severe blood loss
  3. Marrow replacement by neoplastic cells
  4. Treatment with GCSF (= granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor)

Reconversion = recruitment of yellow marrow for hematopoiesis once hematopoietic capacity of existing red marrow stores is exceeded

Order of reconversion: spine >flat bones >skull >long bones (proximal >distal metaphysis >diaphysis >epi- / apophyses)



  1. Hemosiderosis (histologic term of iron deposition in tissue) = excess iron in cells of RES repeated blood transfusions
    • magnetic susceptibility effects of hemosiderin produce hypointense marrow on T2WI (+ T1WI if hemosiderosis severe)
  2. Medullary infarction (common in sickle cell disease)

DDx: leukemia (hyperintense on STIR)